Who ? (part 2)

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As supa strikas members and other team attending NEW-event and on the big white screen the new members i.e. girls member had a match about how they will play . The red team which is lead by  Lara and the blue team which is lead by the other girl. This blue team girl was the member of Invisible United named Vlarie'z Cos which have a dark skin and have blue eyes with long black hair.
Before the match start both players shake hand.
Refree blow the whistle and the game starts. Lara and Vlarie were started the game  Vlarie take the ball and take a lead into Lara team defense. In front of her there was a big obstacles. She jumped over the big cubes and also take cubes for advantages but as she was doging the players and passing the ball to her another team member . One of the defense player of Lara team came out . She did front cartwheels on her both hands and take the ball and pass to the other teammate and Lara takes the ball . She take a lead and gone into Vlarie defense with teammates she take the ball between her legs and did front cartwheel on her hand to avoid tackling of her against team member . As she Dodge this Vlarie came between Lara and Lara team member  snatch the ball from the Lara as she tackle her but she make Lara fall down on the ground. Vlarie said,"hahaha...look at you ! I don't understand why coach decide take you but i will make regret this decision. I will make sure that. " At that time Refree came towards Vlarie showed yellow card to her for warning. She act as nothing happened and run towards her members while smirking at Lara.
Coming back to reality as others teams watching their female members playing the game, Shake was in a bathroom and heard some words and try to go out tell the situation to the Coach but at that time before coming out from cupboard , he heard voice," Do you think that i will allowed?" The two guys looked behind and saw a hoodie girl. One of the bad guys ," Hey! Hey... Don't you know you are in  gents toilet ??" Looking at the girl. Girl,"I know that and i also know that you guys plan..(smirking) To destroy their project and i am here to stop that." Bad guys thought that she would tell someone about this so they decided to kill her. One of the guys having a metal rod goes towards the girl and try to attack but the girl dodge from it and grab his hand his behind and forcely pushed him to the wall making him fainted and other guy come with knife try to attack her face . She got little scratch from knife . Girl get angry,"HOW DARE YOU HARM MY FACE!!!!" She kick him into stomach , throwing towards the mirror. Shake close the lid of the cupboard and stand on it and watched the whole fight. The girl noticed something as Shake get down to hide from her. She decided to check what is there but at that time she heard someone is coming ,She take poison sample from the bad guys and remove the ventilator window and climb in it for to get away from there.
Shake comes out of the cupboard and see nobody except the bad guys tied their hands and legs and they are unconscious . Shakes come out of the washroom sneaky and tried avoid the people around it. Shakes then go to event room and search for his team as they were standing and hearing cheering . At that time Lara also came and had a little scratch oh her face.
Shakes notices her coming from a unknown direction . Shakes then keep his hand on her Lara shoulder. He calls out her name ,"Hey Lara."as Lara looked behind and see Shakes coming towards her. She tried to walk faster and Shakes saw that and got suprised. "Lara! Wait for me ! Can you?!" As tried walk away from Shakes. Shakes had no choice but to run as she walked really fast. He ran into her direction and tried to grab her shoulder again but at that time they at event hall and both of them standing at the back of their team. Lara turn around and see Shakes with a poker face,"what you need Shakes?"asked to him in a polite way. Shakes," I know that you were in gents toilet , weren't you??"Shakes see in her eyes with a serious face.

Now what will happen If SHAKES thinks Lara is fighter girl and if she is, what  she will do???

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