Episode 3

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As Lara run towards the person who exactly down that shiny hanging thing . She jumped and pushed that person on other side before it start falling. That shiny thing dropped down on the floor making everywhere mess. Lara was on the top of the person she saved, she get up from above that person then tried to look down at the person who was sitting on the floor, "LARA!!!!!!" She got fulltered look backed at her teammates coming towards her by walking fast. She again turn around to see the person whom she saved but when she looked, that person already was left but she get a glimpse of back and little bit purple highlight hair of that person.
The Coach and team asked whether she is okay then she nodded to assure the team that she was fine.
Ding! Ding ! Ding! The announcer tap the mic to get attention of the crowd.
"Everyone we are so sorry about this ! this incident was unexpected , we apologize for the disturbance in this important event. We request to the people who got involved in this incident to go with our staff to get proper medical check-up and later join the event if they are comfortable to it or they can return home. Please give us few minutes to clean this mess up so that others can enjoy this event. " Lara goes with the staff to get her check-up while others staff (event) members come , pick up the mess , vacuum the floor and make sure that they didn't left mess behind.
The Strikas also went to infirmary room to see Lara after few minutes later. They asked nearby staff for the location of the infirmary room . According to staff , they find the room.

Lara was sitting on the bed , looking at her phone with wearing her cords. Her right leg was banded , near around the ankle. She need too keep her legs straight since she it hurt less like that.
When the Shake knocked and opened the door, Lara got surprised as she was in her musical world. She take a quick look to see who is coming and sees that Strikas are coming.She removed her cords . And grab her blanket to hide her injury. The Strikas came into room and come near Lara. Captain Rasta looks little bit concerned said," How are you now , my friend ? "
"I am fine" she answered. She gave a big smile to them.
"But you are now bedridden , Lara!" Coach shout while entering the room. Having a folder with Lara medical reports.
Everyone looked confused little bit since they didn't get what Coach mean.
"What you mean , Coach?" Shawn asked.
Sigh** Coach sighed then explain to the team ," Lara, she got injured actually. Her leg got sliced little bit when glass scattered. Since got injured near ankle , she need at least rest one week. "
Everyone looked at Lara and looked at each other.
Shake questioned Coach," then...... Coach...... She can't play the upcoming match ...?...."
Coach looked Lara. Lara show her expressionless face.
"She can't play the match" Coach answered.
"But Coach it's her first match?!!!!" Claus burst out.
" if she play now then, she can't play the whole season !!!! Do you want her to do that!!!!? Tell me ?!" Angered Coach said
Everyone looked got disappointed.


Lara giggled Little while looking the drama and the reaction her teammates.

She pulled Rasta shirt. Captain looked at Lara,"Captain don't worry about me now. Ok? "
"Everyone, why are you all glooming ? Come on , cheer up !! If you got glooming how am I supposed help you with the match???"
Lara tilt her head and expecting answers from them.
Fighter raised his hands and keep on his waist being grumpy," come on , you are bedridden and we can't enter the field if we don't have you ."
Lara ," then I will teach you all some techniques against our opponents. "

"But we need someone who can put up your place and can able to follow our pattern we created so far , if we didn't someone who can take your place , moves we created so far will be wasted .....". Fighter said.

Lara closed her eyes and put her finger on chin. Start thinking about her substitute.
" We need someone who can substitute me, then that person must at flexible." Lara said after some thinking.
Coach look at her ,"is that all needed??"
Lara answered ," yeah , since that we need against Iron Tank . We need that person have this ability. He or she might look little bit stupid but with that person strong ability we can win against them. "

Everyone start thinking about who might be that person.

"Well , Lara I will find that person for you so that you can train that person some of your moves" Coach kept his hand on her shoulder and assured her.

Lara ," Coach, I got an idea about our substitute. "
Everyone look curiously at Lara.
Coach," then spill the beans girl."
Lara gesture her hand to Coach to lower down upto enough Lara .
Lara whisper in his ear about her idea.
Coach widen his eyes.
"Are you sure about it ? " Coach questioned
"Yeah coach I am 100% sure about it " Lara answered with warm smile.

Everyone got curious and confuse at the same time because she didn't share her idea with her teammates except Coach.


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