Sorry Is Never Enough

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March 16th, 1992

" Now don't you start that. " I tell my bubbling stomach.

Rubbing my growing bump I smile. In six short months, I'll be a mother and I can't believe it. I never expected to meet the love of my life at twenty years old but Brandon is everything I ever wanted in a man.

So here I sit quietly as to not disturb Katia, my soon-to-be niece. I'm babysitting her while her mom is at work and it has taken me hours to get her to sleep. I'm not ruining the peace for anything. 

The phone rings bring a much-wanted distraction. SIghing I get up to go get it.

Picking the receiver up quickly I say, " hello "?

Honey? It's Slash.

And now I wish I never even picked up the phone. " What do you want? "

 I need to see you.  

" Not happening. " Brandon will flip if he shows up.

Come on, please? I just need to see your face. 

" No Slash! I'm not even in California. " It's true we're currently in Beijing visiting some of Brandon's family. 

Why are you so angry? What did I do? I'm sorry for whatever it is.

What the fuck? Is he serious? Things were fine between us until he up and married some groupie while I was prima ballerina at the ABT. His excuse was that we never had any time together. But I was living my dreams damn it! At first, he said he could wait out the six months, but he couldn't. So instead of telling me that he just goes off and meets some whore to give him what I couldn't at the time.

Sighing I say, " this time Slash, sorry just isn't enough. I met someone and so did you.  You married her."

It was a mistake. Just let me come see you.

" I'm pregnant. " I say putting the final nail in the coffin of our relationship. " Brandon asked me to marry him... I said yes. " 


A Note From Life Is A Parade: Hey guys! With Take Me With You coming to a close I decided to go back and edit, and reupload this story. I never forgot about it, but when I decided to mesh Honey and Bibi's world together I knew I had to revisit this sooner or later. I also got a message from one of you requesting me to do a Freddie Mercury fic with a Hispanic love interest. Be on the lookout for that coming up. Let me know what you think of the prologue!

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