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life goes on, but i don't know how.
the sunlight seized the blackout,
ripping me from my slumber.
how rude? that the sun will rise again
without you filling the void between
my fingers. is it that i'm guilty?
the world is suffocating, i can't go outside.
if we are prisoners of geography,
this is Alcatraz. if i could, i'd undo it all,
so i would've been coming home with you.
circumstance was laughing at us. daylight
mocked us every time we woke up alone.
poison the earth with every photo burned,
bin my cards, no stone left unturned.
wash me away from your body,
get a new haircut, find someone for you.
someone warmer, someone new.
we've come so far, our time has run out.
and i hope time is kind to you, look after
my shirts, our memories.
life goes on, i hate it so.
we were brief candlelight
lighting a dark path,
for one another. now
the sun is back.

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