.rose coloured.

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i breathed out, my rose coloured glasses
had fogged. i was in a dangerous place.
the kitchen in a picture book,
knives like nails in soak, cider cans lolling across the floor, after hours
passed out on the sofa.
alcohol scribbles with erasers
cutting out holes in your photos like fishnets.
the weight was heavy, drifting
like a feather or some crippled athenian messenger.
your text was old news. stole the very words from my mouth in fact. i left the party early,
there was nothing to miss out. wasn't really a party. i left before you could even say. the night is long,
you're not the only one.
i kept my love blind eyes open for too long.
"the world is drunk," I proclaimed,
as the floor was spinning, collapsing into a broken bed.
a cold bed.
but it was love so i didn't take notice.

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