cathedral county

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cathedral county,

with your country wind's
bass in my ears, flaying tissue as if
it were carrion already.

cathedral county,

you're the hooded crow. i have to keep my eyes closed when you circle above
keep my bones to the ground.

cathedral county,

you lie to me.
i writhe in the dirt to hide, hands cupping my ears. braced for a chorus of bombs.

cathedral county,

you're a great big nothing,
when you cannot divide.
you're a knife, i am paper.

cathedral county,

your orchards shed their apples and
never return.
as the days shorten. november.

cathedral county,

i am paper. receipts and bank notes.
nothing blunts a knife quite like paper.
your gifts have a price, tossing out scraps.

cathedral county,

where i can't see passed that
greek nose you gave me, big fog.
hanging like a marionette from the pylons.

cathedral county,

storm on the island, lightning strikes
slash the wires, crash the planes
it's all my fault.

all that,
cause i just couldn't grow up
cause these wounds didn't age
they grey my hair and i hide
under my bed

because the death in the sea
is my own fault
even though i'm a beached thing
and you're the tide that carried me here

you, and my materials.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu