.dark hours.

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i snook out of my house with the sun,
went looking for you near the
universities, where there was music
wraiths drift on pavements;
the air we could not breathe.
took you back to my place
down by the gentle river
creatures in the underbrush
and the hum of bees and
ferns brushing against our ankles.
too close, too late.
bold strokes against the tide
succumbing to your touch
such a fragile predicament
as a five minute hurricane
deals the damage
of half a century of regularity;
that is the nature of our secret.
weight to gravity
i kiss you.
you emptied my world
how alcohol warms your cheeks
material ambition leaving you
for spontaneity.
i'm hot, i'm alive
that pleasant dizziness,
dissolving clarity, reality
splitting at the tendons.
everything slows, i
grasp for your shirt collar
as if you were the only
real thing left in the world.
my perfume adorned by your occasion only
vanilla base notes
orange blossom and
another extension of myself you have taken.
i bury myself in my turtleneck,
inhaling memories
returning like fireworks
green, blue, white and red
your freckles like constellations
in the pale sunlight,
our lips inches apart.
quell the orbit,
slow down, world.
the cities are murky
skyline pale with death.
perhaps we are to blame
sacrificing life for love
scorned, i couldn't care less
arms entwined
like two pieces of the same whole
a little death won't do us harm.
our warmth a torch
in these dark hours.

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