~Chapter 3~ A Motorcycle Ride With Paul .

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Then we walked further a bit down the path then stopped until we had got to his motorcycle I got on after he did and held him on his hips from behind . He then spoke as I was doing that . "Ready to rock n ' roll ?" Paul asked curiously. "Yep ." I nodded as I had told him .  So with that he started the engine up of the motorcycle and then drove off down the streets of Santa Carla in California . I smiled as I was on the motorcycle with him as I felt the wind blow through my hair . "So what are your other friends names besides Marko ?" I asked while he drove . "Well there's a guy named Michael we know I'm not really so sure about him , there's David who's the leader ,Dwayne and there's a girl named Star which David is dating actually she says I'm the only other one who's nice to her and I'm always there for her she's like a sister to me actually ." He explained . "Cool and that's a good thing she thinks that you're nice to her and that your always there for her ." I had said as I smiled . " Yep ." He said as he smiled . " So where are we going ? We going to see the others or go somewhere else ?" I asked curiously as I looked around while he was still driving . "We're going to my place I'll show you around when we get there I think David is just busy tonight so I'll hang out with you tonight ." He replied . " Alright sounds good I like that idea ." I told him . "Knew you would ." Paul replied .

Then he had parked his motorcycle after we had finally got to his house so we got off and he got his keys out of his pocket then opened the door then went inside as we did I started looking around the house . "Nice house you got here Paul ." I had said . " Thanks I like it too there's a kitchen too ." He had said as he showed me the kitchen and other rooms as well . "Cool how long did you live in this house for ?" I asked him. "Since I was little actually kinda brings back memories actually ." He replied . "Cool ." I said as I smiled at him . "Yep ." He replied back as he smiled then we had sat down he then turned on the record player and music began to play without him touching it to even make it play I was just amazed on how he did that it didn't scare me at all it was just really cool how he did that . "Ya know that was really cool and amazing what you just did without the touching that to make it play ." I told him . "I know right I do that a lot ." He laughed . " Cool." I smiled then started laughing as well .

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