~Chapter 57~Dancing With Paul .

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Paul smiled as he looked over at me ."Hey Lily do you want to dance with me ?" He asked as he held out his hand to me . "Sure I would love to ." I smiled as I took a hold of his hand and we started dancing as I had put one hand on his back then the other one in his hand as music had played in the background on the stereo . "You're a pretty good dancer ,Paul ." I told him as I smiled "Aww thank you , you are too as well ,Lily ." He said  as I smiled back as I was still dancing with him in the living room where Marko was . "You're welcome ." I said as I smiled back at him of course .

"You two are the cutest together." Marko had replied as he smiled . "Thank you Marko ." We both spoke at the same time . "You're welcome ." Marko had said as he smiled once again .

"I love you so much Paul ." I told him as I smiled . "I love you too sweetheart." Paul had replied as he smiled back at me he had made me blush when he had called me sweetheart or was just so cute whenever he called me that .

The end ..

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