~Chapter 11~Waking Him Up .

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I had woken up the next day and Paul was still sleeping so I went over to him and shook his shoulder lightly . "Paul it's morning time to wake up ." I whispered in his ear . "Alright ." He had said as he woke up and got off the bed . "Good morning Lily ." He replied . "Morning Paul ." I had said back to him as I smiled. "Did you sleep good last night ? "I asked curiously. "Yes I did actually did you ?" He asks. "Yes I slept pretty good as well ." I replied as I smiled then we went downstairs and went into the living room . "Good to hear." He smiled as he turned on the music we sat down on the sofa while listening to music together ."You have a really good taste in music there Paul ." I told him . "Thank you I listen to a lot of rock bands The Doors is one of them actually and I know you like them too ." He chuckled . " Yes indeed I do ." I replied as I giggled . "Hey Natalie good morning ." Paul had realized Natalie was standing near the wall in the living room . "Hey Paul good morning to you and Lily as well ." She replied ." Good morning ." I said to her as I smiled . Next Paul had asked her something. "Did you sleep good ?" He asked her . "Yes when I finally fell asleep I slept good ." She told us. "That's good to hear ." He smiled.

"So what do you wanna hear next ?" He questioned . " Hmmm.... maybe some Led Zeppelin ." I suggested while smiling as I looked over at him. "Sure why not sounds good I have some of their songs on here actually ." He responded . "Alright cool." I smiled . Then with that he started playing some Led Zeppelin songs . "I love this one ." I had told him excitingly . "Me too ." He smiled as he had spoken .

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