~Chapter 48~An Argument Outside /Paul Gets Angry .

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Paul had started showing his fangs as he had heard someone yelling at someone outside and it literally bugged him . "Would you shush out there." He had said calmly as someone was arguing with someone out there . The guy outside had threw something at the window as they heard Paul telling him to shush . "AND STOP THAT WHILE YOUR'E AT IT !" Paul got angry and started shouting at the person . "Or what if I don't ?" The guy had asked. "BE QUIET, ARGUING ISN'T GONNA HELP AND IT SURE AS HECK WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING!" He yelled again . The guy then walked away from the house from outside and was never seen again and of course the argument had stopped finally . "Finally he is quiet " Paul had said calmly . "Yep finally he is quiet ." I had agreed as I sat down and massaged Paul's back for him . "Yep and woah you're good at that it feels relaxing ." He had said as I gave him a back massage . "You're welcome and thanks ." I smiled . "You're welcome." He smiled back.

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