the rani's tardis. (one)

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[The Rani]: "Hello Auror, can you please upload Project Do-No-Harm to the mini-dragon's brain?"
[Auror-Bot]: "Yes ma'am."
[The Rani]: "Thank you Auror. Your work is appreciated."
[Auror uploads the Harmless Particle to the mini-dragon's brain, as the Rani hopes that it'll remove the dragon's urge to kill]
[The Harmless Particle stops uploading, and the mini-dragon stopped trying to break out.]
[The Rani]: "Oh my Ohm! The particle worked! This might be the most successful experiment I've ever done.."
[Auror-Bot]: "Good job Ushas, you have done phenom.."
[The Rani cuts Auror off]
[The Rani]: "Excuse me? Did you just call me by my real name??"
[Auror-Bot]: "Well, yes ma'am."
[The Rani]: "Say it again."
[Auror-Bot]: "Why, ma'am?"
[The Rani]: "I said, say it again."
[Auror-Bot]: "..."
[The Rani]: "SAY IT AGAIN!"
[Auror-Bot]: "Good job Ushas.."
[The Rani]: "You know Auror, it was really nice having you as my AI associate. However, I have one, very simple rule: have some respect and call me the Rani!"
[Auror-Bot]: "I'm so sorry ma'am, I won't do it aga..."
[The Rani uses her remote controller to vaporize auror and turn her into a plant]
[The Rani]: "Shame, you were quite smart. Well, of course you were; I built you, duh. Now that I think about it, Auror's an artificial intelligence turned into a plant, quite magnificent, don't you think?!"
[The Rani talks to her TARDIS.]
[The Rani]: "Let's continue with the project, now 'shall we? If Project Do-No-Harm has successfully converted dangerous beings into peaceful creatures, what would happen I experimented on something even more dangerous??"
[The Rani comes up with a list of creatures, among them are the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels, the Silurians, and several more. However, there was one she didn't want to dare write down: the Daleks.]
[The Rani]: "Oh hell no, Rani. That's quite idiotic! However, they are the most dangerous creatures ever known in the universe, and it'd be the ultimate test."
[The Rani]: "Even if I travelled all the way to Skaro, wouldn't they immediately exterminate me? Also, how would I ever hold a Dalek hostage? Unless.. No Rani, it's a terrible idea. On the other hand, it's the only plan I can come up with..."
[The Rani sets her tardis location for Skaro, home of the Daleks.]

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