skaro. (two)

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[The Rani's TARDIS lands on Skaro, in an abandoned  building.]
[The Rani]: steps outside "Ooh! I landed in the perfect spot. Perhaps I could set up a science lab here. Magnificent!"
[The Rani lays out her plan whilst also setting up her laboratory.]
[The Rani]: "Ooh! I've got it! It's quite simple, just reverse the Dalek's weaponry so that it can't work, and then knock it out. After that, I'll use my vortex manipulator, and continue experimenting after that."
[The Rani walks into the hallway, holding her weapon in her hands just in case she gets attacked. She looks around for a Dalek to experiment on. She hears a sound to her left.]
[She sees a faint dark blue light in the direction the sound came from. The light comes closer to her, and she recognizes it immediately. She pulls out her weapon and tries to stop the Bronze Dalek by changing the code of the gun to work like a vortex manipulator. However, that doesn't work, and The Rani ultimately fails at trying to tame the Dalek's weaponry.]
[The Rani]: "Incorrect, I'm actually a Time Lady, get it right. Oh and- CLANG!"
[The Rani picks up a crowbar she found on the floor and uses it to hit the Dalek's eye stalk. She makes a run for it, going straight to her TARDIS. She isn't able to stop and put coordinates into her vortex manipulator, as she is on the lam. She realizes that she needs to call someone for help. She gets inside her tardis and sends a signal for help, hoping someone hears it.]

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