breaking point. (four)

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[Doctor]: "So here's the plan. Firstly, we find the Dalek you encountered earlier. Secondly, how do you test the Do-No-Harm Project on a being?"
[Rani]: "I use what I like to call the Harmless Particle to experiment on one. It comes in gas form, liquid form, injections, or by holding one hostage and launching the particle into their body system via telekinesis."
[Doctor]: "Did you just say gas form?"
[Rani]: "Yeah..?"
[Doctor]: "Rani, you are incredibly clever! No wonder you always were on top in the Academy."
[Rani]: "No, I was always on top because you lot were too dumb to appreciate science the way I do. Time Morons are what you lot are!"
[Doctor]: "Rani, can you make a gas gun? That way you can shoot it at the Dalek so that the harmless particle works on him."
[Rani]: "Alright, I'm working on it."
[The Rani assembles a gas gun loaded with the Harmless Particle filled gas.]
[Doctor]: "Ready?"
[Rani]: "Nah, I don't really fancy fighting."
[Doctor]: looks at her sarcastically "Well you started this one," she pulls the rani "so on we go!"
[Rani]: mumbles "..what a bit-"
[The Doctor and the Rani were back to where the rani had encountered the Bronze Dalek.]
[Doctor]: "Remember, launch the harmless particle, persuade it to unlock our TARDIS, and we just leave. Is that clear?"
[Rani]: "Sure."
[the Bronze Dalek comes out of the dark, looking for any life forms. The Rani holds the gun, preparing to shoot. As the Dalek comes closer, he senses the two Time Ladies hiding.]
[Rani]: "Don't think so!" she pulls the trigger and launches the harmless particle at the dalek. "Hah!"
[The eye stalk turns blue again, and the Doctor tries to persuade him to unlock the TARDIS.]
[The Rani pulls back the Doctor to whisper something in her ear.]
[Rani]: "Doctor... I don't think it made anything better. He wants to destroy everyone, every single thing, including his own kind and himself."
[The Doctor's eyes widen as they both look at the now even worse Dalek they were going to have to face.]
[Doctor]: "Shit."

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