let's kill time, literally. (six)

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[Doctor]: "Alright Rani, lets do this!"
[Rani]: "Ew, you sound so much like a dorky little do-gooder. Besides, I'm only working with you to help myself, so what do you need?"
[Doctor]: "Use your sonic contact lenses, they should help us teleport to our TARDIS. After that, we'll stop Omega and the monsters, somehow."
[Rani]: "Doctor, I haven't even tested my sonic lenses yet, how do you know it'll even work?"
[Doctor]: "Old friend, when was the last time I was even sure about anything?"
[Rani]: "Failing your TARDIS flight classes?"
[Doctor]: "We will NEVER talk about that again! The point is, Rani, I have faith in you. Not that much faith, but I know you can get us out of here. Just concentrate really hard on teleporting and we'll be safe in our TARDISes."
[The Rani opens her lens case and puts on the sonic contacts. Her eyes are now colored a deep red, so dark that you'd have thought she was a demon. She put all of her focus into getting into the TARDIS, and their bodies were starting to teleport. In a few seconds, they were now in the Rani's TARDIS. Her TARDIS was unique, as it had the ability to be remote controlled, a rarity in time-traveling vehicles. It's interior had red lights, and it still had the infamous time rotor made out of rings, a mark of the Rani. If no one had known the amoral actions of the Rani, they probably would've loved her for her TARDIS design, a design that still 'wows' Time Lords, humans, and other humanoids.]
[Doctor]: "You did it, Rani! You brought us back here! Brilliant!"
[She hugs the Rani in awe of her work.]
[Rani]: "Thanks, but I don't like hugs; too many germs." they both laugh "Now let's stop that son of a bitch."
[They gathered the tools that they needed to stop Omega and the monsters in the torture chamber. Amongst the monsters were the Slitheen, the Vashta Nerada, the Cybermen, the Daleks, the Weeping Angels, and several other monsters that the Doctor has encountered.]
[Doctor]: "Here's how we're gonna stop them: first off, we need to put them back to where they came from. Omega's from the anti-matter universe, it's more than likely that they're also from the anti-matter universe. All we need to do is simply teleport them back."
[Rani]: sighs "Should be fine.."
author's note // please read:
hello, this is zara (miss luthor) popping in for a bit. i haven't updated this fanfiction in a week, especially because i didn't know what to do with it. i felt like it wasn't entertaining for people to read, which is why i just didn't update it for a while. i would really appreciate it if you commented whether or not i should continue with this book or start a brand new fanfiction. i'd also like for anyone to say their honest opinions about my fan fiction (i love criticism), so that i know what to work on. thank you for reading this ! ♡

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