the terrible plan of two time ladies. (three)

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[The Doctor is playing piano whilst drinking wine, a new acquired taste of her 14th regeneration. She hears a signal coming through the vortex into the TARDIS.]
[Doctor]: "A signal?? I have gotten one since- actually let's not talk about that melancholy event. Great, I keep talking to myself, actually the TARDIS, ever since I dropped off my companion in Glasgow to spend time with his family for a bit."
[The Doctor goes up to the TARDIS screen. She realizes it's in morse code.]
[CODE TRANSLATION]: "Skaro... old friend... gone wrong..." [the translation cuts off]
[Doctor]: "Who in the right mind would WILLINGLY go to Skaro? If you ask me, only an idiot would do that. Also, 'old friend'? Who could that be? Still, why the HELL would they go to Skaro? Of all places, Skaro? Surely they must've had a reason to do such an idiotic thing."
[The Doctor sets the coordinates of where the signal came from, and the TARDIS lands on Skaro.]
[The Doctor steps out of her tardis, and sees that the doors have been barricaded with time lord technology.]
[Doctor]: "Damn, this place needs a clean up. Maybe I should find someone to do the chores."
[Doctor]: "Is there anyone there? Hello?? I got your signal- well, partly. I'm the Doctor and I'm here to help."
[The Doctor notices a woman in a dark cloak, standing in front of a cabinet, possibly filled with science tools.]
[Doctor]: "Hello ma'am, I'm here to help. What happened here?"
[The woman turns around and takes off the hood of her cloak, revealing the Rani's face.]
[Rani]: "Hello, I'm Ronnie Jane Smith. Who are you?"
[Doctor]: "I'm the Doctor."
[Rani, faking]: "Doctor who?"
[Doctor]: "Exactly. Anyways, Miss Smith, did you send a distress signal? I got it in my ship and immediately came here."
[Rani]: "Yes I did. There's a monster out there, and they tried to attack me!"
[Doctor]: "Now tell me, Ms. Smith, why are you on Skaro? And why is there Time Lord technology barricading the doors? How'd you get access to Time Lord technology, that's not even possible! Unless.."
[The Rani chuckles]
[Doctor]: "It can't be.."
[Rani]: "Just spit it out already!"
[Doctor]: "MISSY?!"
[Rani]: "No! The other Time Lady!"
[Doctor]: "..What other Time Lady?"
[Rani]: "Oh don't play dumb with me Doctor, you know who I am."
[Doctor]: "No, I don't! Who are you?"
[Rani]: "C'mon! We grew up together! You had a crush on me during our Academy days?? You've oughta remember something at least?"
[Doctor]: "You know, from girl to girl, I'm getting pretty tired of you not telling me who you are. Just say it!"
[Doctor]: "Rani?! What sick experiment are you testing on Skaro?"
[Rani]: "I simply attempted to test a project that I've been working on for a long time, one that neutralizes an organism's urge to hurt or harm others. It worked several times before, and I wanted to test it on the most dangerous creature in the universe and beyond. I didn't mean to cause anyone or anything harm, I'm doing something good and yet you fail to recognize that."
[Doctor]: "Rani, you have a vortex manipulator and a TARDIS. Why didn't you just escape the planet?"
[Rani]: "They locked it, and I'm assuming they've already locked yours. And there's no way to go manipulate through the vortex right now, as I left it in the TARDIS before I got locked out."
[They both stare into nothing, trying to come up with ways to break the locks and escape.]
[BOTH; Rani and the Doctor]: "I've got an idea, but it's a terrible one!"
[Rani]: "Magnificent!"
[Doctor]: "Forgot to mention: don't die. For the love of the TARDIS, just don't."
[Rani]: "Oh dear, do you have to be Irish?
[Doctor]: "And do you have to be American?"

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