A Horse Kills The School Bully

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Hi my names Riley Jackson.
I lived an ordinary life then I turned 12. It all started on my birthday when the usual bully called Elizabeth saw me. "Hey meatbag" she called.

"Ready for your beat down?"

"Go ahead and try!" I yelled with a sudden rage. She came at me but as she did she transformed into a Minotaur (a creature with a bull head and human body) and I only just evaded her. "Hey Riley did you see that! She turned into a Minotaur!" Cried Ashlin Marsly and Chris Maior almost in sinc.

"I think we should run!" I cried as Elizabeth began to charge again.

So we ran for our life out of the school and towards the beach but she didn't stop! We heard someone cry "this way" so we followed the voice onto a hill and someone shot an arrow and it hit Elizabeth, but the weird thing was that she turned to gold dust! "Thanks" I said and turned around. But what I saw wasn't a human it was a centaur (Body of a horse and head of a

human) "What are your names children?" He asked, "Mine is Chiron." He said. "My name is Riley" I said "This is Ashlin and Chris."

"Hi" They say.

"Where are we?" Chris asked.

"Your at a camp for people that's mum or dad is a god. It's called Camp Half-Blood and since you haven't been claimed you have to sleep in Hermes cabin, okay?"

"Okay" We all say

"Bye now you need sleep" Chiron ordered kindly. So we went to bed not expecting what would happen in years to come.

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