The Godly Christmas

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"Wake up, wake up! It's Christmas Eve"! Chris cried as he shook me to wake me up.

"Okay, okay. Stop celebrating and get ready". I replied with a yawn.

So we got ready and went to have breakfast.

"Todays two demigods that will battle to see who gets the Christmas Eve advent surprise will be Chris vs Ashlin." Chiron announced.

"Bring it on" Chris teased.

They took their places and grabbed a training sword.

"Let the battle commence" Chiron cried.

First Chris took a swing but Ashlin dodged than she took a swing and Chris dodged it. This went on for a while than Chris struck a blow to the ribs and lost.

"Ashlin you can open up the box" Chiron said eager to find out what the gods put in their. So Ashlin opened it and found a Chimera in it."Ahhh, help" Ashlin screamed and in no time we all sprang into action and destroyed it. Today was all Christmas activities. Instead of chariot racing it was sled racing(with horses that are wearing fake reindeer horns) instead of rock climbing with lava it was giant christmas tree climbing with presents and instead of arcery it was a snowball fight(Apollo/Artemis won(don't know who thought they would lose though)). Then everyone would have a grand feast (remembering to give the gods some of their food) and then wrote down 1 thing that they want the gods too give them. I picked a new Pegasus saddle. Then we threw them in the fire and went to sleep.


" Wake up Riley its Christmas". Chris yelled while shaking me.

I rushed out of bed overjoyed and got dressed.

"Let's go get the others" I replied.

Then we ran to Ashlin's cabin.

"Wake up it's Christmas" I screamed.

At first all you could hear was "crash, bang" but finally Ashlin was ready and said "let get Owen.

So we went to Owens cabin and this time Chris screamed at the top of his lungs "WAKE UP, IT'S CHRISTMAS"!!!!

Owen was out the door in a flash and we all ran down to Chiron where he was handing out the gifts.

"Here you are Riley (he gave me a Pegasus saddle), here you are Owen, (gave him a Pegasus) here you go Chris(gave him a shield with a slit in the middle to let the carriers sword go through) and here you go Ashlin (gave her a Lakers hat that put on it turns the wearers invisible)" Chiron said as he handed them out.

"Thanks Chiron" we all replied.

"Ahem" Chiron coughed and looked up. "Oh, we mean thanks Gods and Godesses of Olympus" we reinstated lucky that we hadn't drowned or been blown to pieces by lightning.

"See you at dinner Chiron" we all said as we ran off to prepare for our activities. Once they were over we all had dinner, watched a demigod Christmas movie, watched Dionysus create Santa out of grape vines and went to bed.

"Merry Christmas guys and gods" I said. "Merry Christmas" They all replied.

I even felt I slight tingle as the gods replied(even Ares!!!).

Demigod Chronicles: The Trident ThiefTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon