Children Of The Big Three

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"Come on Mai! Give him more Ambrosia"! I heard Chris faintly say. "No! If I give him anymore he'll burn up"! Mai replied.

 I smiled at those two, they always fight. "Guys SHUT UP! He's waking up". I heard Ashlin cry.

I opened my eyes and asked "What happened"?

"Well Trent saved you by killing Medusa after she hit you with the gnome". Mai explained

"Thanks you saved my life" I said relived that he came to my rescue.

"It's okay". Trent replied.

"So just out of question are you a son of Hades"? Chris asked.

"Yes I am. Why did you ask"? He answered.

"Well. We went on a quest and an Oracle told us we would meet someone like you".

I explained. "Cool"! Trent replied.

"So all that's left is that girl of the big three".

Mai said grumbling a bit.

"So where we going and why"? Trent asked.

"Okay first where: To the entrance of the underworld aka the DOA studio. Why: To get back Poseidon's Trident from Hades". Chris said.

"Why does everyone think it's my dad! If you get to know him he's not such a bad dad or guy"! Trent grumbled angrily.

"Sorry but the Oracle said we had to go deep down below". Mai said trying to calm him down.

"Let's go then". I said. We all then started walking for about an hour. "Guys I have the bus tickets". Mai said as we boarded the bus.

"How long is the trip"? Trent asked.

"5 hours" Mai replied.

"No"! We all said in sync. Since all of us had ADHD we would be fiddling around for ages. Luckily only 30 minutes into the trip it stopped and we heard someone on the roof.

"Do you guy think it's a monster"? Ashlin asked.

"Yep" I answered as we prepared to attack. They ripped a hole in the bus and jumped through as we attacked. At first we were evenly matched then we thought something was different. And something was! Trent had fallen asleep and we hadn't woken him up.

"Trent get up! We need some help with this Nemean Lion"! Ashlin cried.

"Huh what"? He said startled but understood what was going on as he whipped out his Stygian Iron sword and attacked.

"He's fur coats to strong"! I said.

"Then attack it's mouth. Clog it, make him choke". Said a voice I've never heard. I decided to listen to her. So I

grabbed a mega-pack of marshmallows in case Hestia and the gods wanted to roast marshmallows around the hearth. I didn't want to throw them and neither did anyone else but I forced myself to and watched it choke and turn to dust. The only thing left was a fur coat made from his fur.

"Hey, thanks" I said to the stranger as I turned around.

"No problem" she replied.

"Here, you saved us from it you should have it". I offered.

"Nah you did it in the end". She replied. "By any chance is your dad Zeus, Poseidon or Hades"? Ashlin asked. "Yeah. My Dads Poseidon". The daughter of Poseidon replied.

"We need you to come on this quest. It's to find Poseidon's Trident in the underworld". Mai explained.

"No! Someone stole dad's Trident"! She said.

"Hey we never caught your name but just to let you know my names Riley,

this is Chris, Trent, Ashlin and Mai". I said.

"Mines Thalia". Thalia answered.

"Well it looks like we're gonna have to walk there since everyone thinks it's us who broke down the bus"! Chris said. "Oh no"! I said

"What"? Trent asked.

"Just think about it. Two sons of Zeus, one of Poseidon and one of Hades! The monsters will sniff us out easily"! I replied anxious to leave.

"Oh yeah"! Trent mumbled.

"Then I think we should keep moving" Ashlin said.

"Good idea". Mai replied agreeing with Ashlin . We then ran until our legs couldn't move anymore and we couldn't see what was right in front of our faces. Soon I heard a ow from Trent. It seemed that he could see so little that he ran into a wall!

"Guys the sign says hotel we can stay here for the night". Ashlin said(she

didn't have dyslexia so she could read it)

"Okay" We replied although Trent didn't say anything because he was trying to stop his nose bleed. As we walked in a little bell chimed and a woman asked "Two rooms"?

"What"? I replied.

"Two rooms"? She repeated.

"Oh. Yes please, side by side if you can" I replied.

"Here you go deary, Floor 5, Room 204 for the girls and 205 for the boys" She repeated off the computer.

"Thank you" I said in a kind voice. We went in the elevator and pressed floor 5.

"Okay Thalia here is the girls key" I said breaking the silence as I handed it to her.

"Thanks” Thalia replied. As we walked to our rooms We heard a scratching noise above us(we were on the top floor). Not one type of scratch, not two

or three but four. We made a deal to take in turns to keep watch. We didn't know what was up there. We never wanted to know. But a demigod doesn’t have that thought of luck.

Demigod Chronicles: The Trident ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now