The Trident And The Helm

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We entered and for once Hades was there.

"Hi" I said "Poseidon, here's your Trident and Hades heres you Helm. Also, Ares stole them with the help from Carter Castellan." When I said that name Hermes looked up from his phone.

"What! How could he!" Hermes scowled.

"I will have a word with him son." I heard Zeus say.

"Thank you" I replied.

"I shall reward you Riley." Hades said. "By giving you back your Mum" As he said that I was overjoyed and the first thing I did when my mum appeared was run up and hug her.

"I missed you Mum." I said releasing her from the hug.

"Oh! Look at yourself! Your so dirty! Sand in your hair. Dirt on your knees!"

She kept on ranting on and fussing over me.

"I would like you to meet my friends" I said walking her over to my friends.

"Hi my names Ashlin, I'm Chris, I'm Mai, I'm Trent and I'm Thalia" They said one by one and when Thalia introduced herself mum asked loud enough for everyone on the quest to hear

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"No!" I said as Thalia blushed while the other burst into tears laughing.

"Also." Zeus said. "I shall teleport you back to camp."

"Bye Da- Zeus" I said.

"Please call me dad" he replied with a smile as we disappeared. Once back at Camp people came rushing over asking if we had got it back. Everyone was thinking the same thing. We walked up the stage and I said

"we have two announcements, firstly we got the Trident back and also Hades Helm Of Darkness. Secondly Carter Castellan Of Hermes cabin we were

told by Ares that you assisted him in this theft because you hated the gods! Is this true?"

"Um" was all he said before he ran screaming "I work for Kronos now suckers!"

"Well at lease you stopped the war" Chiron said sending everyone out of there shock and into a cheer.

"Yes, Yes. Good job Reece Jason. Dionysus said.

"Its Riley Jackson Mr. D" I corrected. "Whatever" Mr. D replied not caring at

all as he pulled a can of Diet Coke out of air.

"Here Riley" Chiron said as he gave me a string with a glowing trident and lightning bolt surrounded by blackness.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Its something to tell others how many years you have been here and they have a painting of the most memorial thing that happened that year" Mum answered.

"Cool!" I said.

"Hey Mum. My friends told me they have rude step-mum's or step-dad's and their parents said it would be okay so can they stay over for the summer?" I asked.

"Well since their parents are allowing it they can stay." She answered. So they all stayed at our apartment while we attended the same school. By the end of summer we were stoked about going back to Camp Half-Blood. But I'll leave that for another story.

Demigod Chronicles: The Trident ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now