Chapter 7

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My eyes flutter open, but not to the awake of the sun, the sound of hard rain and thunder.

Just great.

Chase was already dead asleep.

Aurora was crying, so I assumed she was hungry. After I fed her and got her cleaned up, I cleaned myself up and got changed. Chase was already awake by then.

I opened the blinds and stared out at the territory, only the guards at the watchtower were outside, but they were shielded from the rain.

I had called Aiden and I told him I was sorry for his friend's lost and that I hope that they were safe from the storm. Turns out, the storm was circling their castle for an entire 3 days before it moseyed on down here.

I felt bad about what I had said and what Maddi has said, but thankfully they are safe.

Aiden said that the storm was predicted to head west and then go out to to sea. He also said that he was happy that I was safe after the C section and Aurora was safe.

"What about the food? We always have a pack gathering to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"I told you once before Chase, we already stocked up on food, so they wouldn't have to leave and go out into dangerous weather."

"Oh yeah."

I unlock the door, "What the heck? What are you doing?"

"I was going to tell the guards that they should go back inside, everyone is inside, why shouldn't they?"

"Because they're guards, they are supposed to do this during good and bad times to keep the pack safe," Chase answered.

"Who is going to come and try to harm a pack in the hard, cold rain?"


I open the door, "I'll be back."

I roll up on leggings because it's kinda of flooded. One of the guards notice me, "Luna, what are you doing in this rain?"

"I could say the same for you."

"I'm watching my corner of the pack, it's my job."

"It's time to go inside now."

I hear loud beating on the gate walls and then BOOM!

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