Chapter 19

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Maddi entered the pack on her horse, jumped down and ran to me, "I got the flower, now we need to go to Lady Fraccle's now!"

"Ok. May can you be in charge and watch Aurora for me while we go to Lady Fraccle?" I ask.

"Yes of course."

I hop on my horse and Maddi does the same. We take off in the direction of Lady Fraccle'a cave.

"We got the flower!" Maddi yelled.
Maddi carefully took the purple flower out of her bag and gave it to Lady Fraccle.

Lady Fraccle disappeared in her kitchen or making potions room, whatever it's called.

She came back with a black potion, "Put this in his drink at his Crowning Ceremony."

"He's already king though," Maddi said.

"Yes, the Crowning Ceremony is held after he is actually king."


"Yes," Lady Fraccle hands me the potion bottle and I place it in my bag.

"Thank you, Lady Fraccle."


We soon enter the gates of the pack, when Maddi and I jump off of our horses, a boy takes the horses and puts them in the barn.

We walk into my house, "We need a plan."

"Why? She said put it in his drink at the ceremony, how difficult is that?"

"They're vampires. We don't know if they sense these things like us werewolves. At the ceremony, I'll ask him if he wants a drink, if he says yes, I'll pour the potion in his drink, if he says no, I'll put in his food."

"What if his drink is clear? I mean the potion is black."

"Good point, I could say they didn't have anymore of that, so I got you this drink."

"Ok, that's good. When is his ceremony?"

"In about a week, I think."

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