Chapter 2

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  Annalis laughs hard at Wonho's comment about Professor Lockhart as she follows him and the rest of the Quidditch team to the pitch.

As they arrive on the field, they see a bunch of people in red and gold soaring around on their brooms. Four people land in front of them, the captain of the Gryffindor team, Oliver Wood, the Weasley twins and a boy with a scar on his forehead.

"Harry Potter?" Annalis whispers to Wonho, who nods as three girls land next to them. Annalis watches Wood and the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint argue about practicing and talk about Slytherin's new seeker, Draco.

Another Weasley and a girl with bushy brown hair make their way across the field. Draco makes a rude comment about Gryffindor's brooms.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in." The bushy haired girl tells Draco in a sharp tone.

"They got in on pure talent." Draco glares at her as Wonho, Shownu and Annalis snicker quietly.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Annalis gasps as a series of events that results in the younger Weasley boy, Ron, burping up slugs and Draco on the ground laughing, unfolds.

"What is wrong with you?" Annalis bursts, pulling her arm away from Wonho, who is trying to stop her, and marches up to Draco as he stands back up.

"What do you mean?" He raises his eyebrow at her. Instead of answering him, she pulls her arm back and punches him in the stomach.

"You can be a jerk all you want but don't use that word. Don't touch me." She tells Flint as he starts towards her and Wonho steps up beside her followed closely by Shownu.

"Enjoy practice, you two." She directs at Wonho and Shownu then glares at Draco again before leaving the quidditch pitch.

She wanders the grounds until she finds Marie down by the lake with the Weasley girl and a pale blonde girl.

"Hey sis." Annalis says loudly, catching all three girls' attention.

"Hi Anna. This is Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood." Marie greets her twin with a hug.

"Hi. I'm Annalis. I just sort of met three of your brothers on the quidditch pitch." She says to Ginny, whose eyes widen.

"What happened?" Marie asks Annalis as the three girls look on in curiosity.

"Gryffindor was on the pitch when we got there and Draco called the bushy haired friend of Harry Potter's, a mudblood and Ron, Ginny's brother, tried to curse him but it backfired so when the Gryffindor team left the pitch, I called Draco a jerk and punched him in the stomach." Annalis grins at the three girls, who grin back.

"That's awesome." Ginny says she high fives Annalis.

"Yep. Let's go eat. I have to help Hyungwon and Changkyun with their homework." She grins and leads them back up to the castle. They see Professor McGonagall talking to Harry and Ron as they enter the great hall.

After lunch, Annalis makes her way to the common room followed by Hyungwon, Changkyun and Wonho.

"Did you really punch Draco Malfoy in the stomach in front of the whole quidditch team?" Hyungwon asks, causing Wonho to start laughing.

"Yes, I did." She says with a grin as Changkyun turns to her.

"Aren't you afraid of what he might do?" He asks her quietly as they enter the common room to see Draco laying across one of the couches with Crabbe and Goyle sitting across from him.

"Why should I be? Because he's gonna tell his daddy that a little girl punched him?" She says loud enough for Draco to hear her, watching him stiffen slightly at the sound of her voice.

"How well will that go over with Mr. Malfoy do you think?" She grins at the three boys as she sits at a table.

"Anyway enough about that. You three have homework to do." She says causing all three boys to groan.

"How do you finish yours so quickly?" Wonho whines as he pulls out a roll of parchment and a quill.

"Because I actually pay attention in class instead of sleeping, Won." She grins at him as he grumbles about little sisters under his breath.

She feels eyes on her while she's helping Hyungwon word a sentence and looks over to find Draco staring at her.

"Need something, Draco?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at him causing him to shake his head and look away.

"There's going to be some serious backlash if you don't stop, Anna." Wonho whispers to her over the top of his potions essay.

"Bring it." She shrugs with a grin. 

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