Chapter 3

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 Halloween has finally arrived and Annalis has been bouncing up and down all day.

"Seriously, Anna, calm down." Minhyuk tells her, placing his hands on her shoulders to stop her bouncing.

"I can't, Hyuk. I'm too excited. Where are the others?" She asks Minhyuk and Jooheon, who both shrug.

"Ah there's Wonho and Kihyun." Jooheon says, pointing down the corridor.

"What took you two so long?" Annalis asks them as they come to a stop.

"We had to drop off our bags after meeting with Professor Snape. Where's Shownu, Hyungwon and Changkyun?" Kihyun asks, glancing between the three.

"No idea. Hyungie and Kyunnie disappeared after class and I haven't seen Nunu all day." Annalis replies, looking around and trying to spot their missing friends. She sees Shownu and Hyungwon as Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan go speeding by causing Annalis to chuckle.

"Where's Changkyun?" Wonho asks Shownu, who shrugs before glancing at Hyungwon.

"Bathroom." Hyungwon replies as Changkyun runs up.

"Sorry, guys. Let's go." Changkyun exclaims excitedly. Annalis waves to Ginny, Marie and Luna as she passes their tables. She spends the whole feast eating and cracking jokes with everyone around her, even Draco.

As they leave the great hall, they find Harry, Ron and Hermione standing in the corridor in front of what looks like Mrs. Norris' dead body and writing on the wall.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware!" Annalis mumbles to Wonho and Kihyun, who shrug.

"Enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next, mudbloods!" Draco yells causing Annalis to glare at the side of his head and smack him.

"What did I tell you, Draco? Do not use that word." She growls at him as he rubs his head and Filch pushes his way through the crowd.

Filch starts yelling about how the three of them had killed his cat then Professor Dumbledore came and whisked them all away along with Professor Lockhart.

The prefects ushered everyone to their common rooms as soon as the professors, Filch and the three Gryffindors were gone.

Over the next week all anyone could talk about was Mrs. Norris. Annalis had heard from Marie that Ginny was really upset about Mrs. Norris.

Annalis, however, was curious about the Chamber of Secrets so she conned Kihyun, Wonho and Hyungwon into going to the library with her. They snag a table, somewhat close to Ron as Harry walks in. Annalis skims through her copy of Hogwarts: A History until she finds what she's looking for. She reads the passage twice before turning to Harry, Ron and Hermione, having overheard their conversation.

"Hey, Hermione? I heard you were looking for this. You can borrow mine." Annalis holds out her copy of Hogwarts: A History to her.

"You're the one who smacked Malfoy on Halloween, right?" Harry asks curiously, causing her to nod.

"Yessir. I also punched him in the stomach after Ron's spell backfired." She grins as Ron makes a face while Harry and Hermione's eyes widen.

"So why did you smack Malfoy?" Hermione asks as she flips through the book.

"I hate the word he used." Annalis replies with a shrug as Hermione looks at her with wide eyes.

"Come on, boys. We have class." Annalis turns to her companions after waving at Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Hyungwon and Annalis are coming out of class when they see Harry and Ron duck into a girl's bathroom.

"I don't even want to know." Hyungwon says, rolling his eyes as Changkyun and Jooheon join them.

"That's Myrtle's bathroom, Hyungie. Let's wait." Annalis grins mischievously and pulls the other three to lean against the wall.

Harry, Ron and Hermione come out of the bathroom as the Gryffindor prefect and Ron's brother, Percy stops at the top of the stairs. The four Slytherins snicker as Percy yells at his brother then stalks away. 

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