Chapter 4

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  "Hey Annalis, can I talk to you for a second?" Hermione asks, standing beside her at the Slytherin table with a book in her hands. Annalis glances up to her before nodding and standing up, ignoring Draco's glare. She follows Hermione out of the great hall and stops when Hermione turns around, holding out the book.

"You were looking for information on the Chamber of Secrets right?" Hermione asks a little nervously causing Annalis to nod as she takes the book.

"I've been wondering who the heir is." Annalis admits, scratching her neck as Hermione raises her eyebrow.

"You don't know?" She asks simply causing Annalis to shake her head.

"Nope. I mean evidence would point to someone from my own house but no one has a clue. Not even Draco, who thinks he knows everything." She replies causing Hermione to chuckle.

"Not too fond of the prince of Slytherin are we?" Hermione asks with a grin as they walk back towards the great hall.

"Draco is not the prince of Slytherin and if he wasn't so caught up in what his daddy has to say he'd be a better person." Annalis replies with a shrug before heading back to her table.

"What was that about?" Draco asks as Annalis sits down.

"Nothing you need to worry about, Draco." She replies before turning to Wonho and the others.

"I'll tell you later." She whispers causing them to nod before heading off to class.

As Saturday approached, the school's excitement only rose. It was the first quidditch match of the year and it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

"Let's go down to the pitch and get good seats." Minhyuk says after Annalis shoved half a piece of toast in her mouth. The six of them made their way down to the quidditch pitch and grabbed seats in front. Annalis waved to Ron, Hermione and Ginny as she saw them across the way. They watch Wood and Marcus shake hands then everyone is up in the air.

Annalis is watching with rapt attention when she notices something odd, one of the bludgers keeps going after Harry.

"Hey, Ki? Are bludgers supposed to do that?" She asks, pointing to Harry being chased across the field by the bludger in question.

"Definitely not." Kihyun replies as the Weasley twins signal for a time out.

"That means someone's messed with it right?" Jooheon asks, causing Annalis and Kihyun to nod.

"I hope Harry's alright." Changkyun says as they watch the Gryffindor team argue on the field. A moment or two later, everyone is back on their brooms and Harry is doing crazy maneuvers to avoid the bludger.

After a while he stops, staring at the laughing Draco and the bludger slams into his arm. The entire group winces as he avoids the bludger again and shoots toward Draco, who flails out of the way. Annalis watches as Harry outstretches his uninjured arm and snatches something out of the sky.

When he crashes to the ground, Annalis and the five boys beside her rush down to the field.

"Come to laugh at Potter with us?" Draco asks smugly as they approach and Annalis scoffs.

"Actually we've come to see if Harry was alright and congratulate Gryffindor on their win. You know, seeing as how our seeker sucks." She replies snarkily as Wonho and Shownu join the others. The, now, group of eight walk away from the rest of the shocked Slytherin team in time to see Lockhart 'fix' Harry's arm. Ron and Hermione help Harry off the field and a thought occurs to Annalis.

"Draco!" She calls out causing the blonde to turn.

"Yes, Annalis?" He responds somewhat annoyed.

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