Chapter 13

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When Annalis walks into the Slytherin common room, she finds it mostly empty. Draco, Wonho and Kihyun sit on one couch while Hyungwon, Jooheon and Changkyun fill the other. Shownu sits in the armchair and Minhyuk is sprawled on his stomach on the rug between the two couches.

"Anna!" Hyungwon exclaims as she approaches , earning a sad smile from his friend.

"What's wrong, sis?" Wonho asks as Kihyun pulls her into his lap.

"Long story short, Lockhart is a fraud and Harry and Ron are going into the Chamber of Secrets as we speak." She replies, leaning her head on Kihyun's shoulder.

"Wait, what?" Minhyuk asks, pulling himself into a seated position.

"I think you need to start at the beginning, sis." Shownu tells her, leaning forward in his chair. So Annalis started with talking to Professor McGonagall that morning and told them everything.

"I wonder who was taken into the Chamber." Jooheon murmurs and Annalis freezes, growing silent.

"Wait, Snape didn't tell you?" She glances around at the boys to find them shaking their heads.

"To be honest, after you disappeared this morning, didn't show up for your classes and then the announcement, we thought it was you." Changkyun states quietly and Annalis stares at him with wide eyes.

"Why?" She all but whispers, causing Wonho to snort.

"Well, sis, you do have an awful habit of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." Annalis kicks him from her spot in Kihyun's lap, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"So who is it?" Draco asks impatiently.

"It was Ginny." Annalis says quietly and the boys freeze, staring wide eyed at her. The nine of them sit in silence for a while before their restlessness catches up with them. Annalis stands and begins pacing as Wonho, Shownu, Jooheon and Changkyun start a game of Exploding Snap. Every few minutes, one of the boys will pull Annalis down into their lap to stop her nervous pacing but it doesn't last more than a moment or two before she's pacing again. The boys give up playing Exploding Snap when it pops in Changkyun's face for the second time.

As the hours passed, the boys started to fall asleep, Minhyuk on the floor, Shownu in the armchair, Hyungwon, Jooheon and Changkyun piled on one couch and Wonho leaning against Kihyun on the other while Annalis sat in Draco's lap, talking quietly. A couple of hours after the boys fell asleep, Annalis heard the portraits begin to whisper about Harry being in McGonagall's office and she jerked upright, pulling Draco from his dozing.

"Wha-?" Draco starts but Annalis shushes him.

"Harry is in McGonagall's office according to the portraits." She whispers and Draco suddenly looks more awake.

"Let's go." He murmurs and they stand up, careful not to wake the others. Annalis and Draco rush through the castle to McGonagall's office and lean against the wall for a while, not knowing what was happening on the other side of the wall. They had been waiting for a little bit when Ginny came out with two people who could only be her parents.

"Ginny!" Annalis and Draco exclaim in unison and Ginny turns, tears running down her face.

"Anna! Draco!" Ginny rushes into their arms, crying a little harder.

"We're so glad that you're okay, Gin." Draco murmurs as Annalis strokes the girl's hair. Annalis looks up to find looks of shock on Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's faces.

"Hello, I'm Annalis Karver. I'm a friend of Ginny's, though she's closer with my sister, Marie." Annalis introduces herself, pulling away from Draco and Ginny to extend her hand to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

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