Old Friends

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I woke up the next day, and I decided to go and take a walk. I kept my head down as I ventured into the forest at the edge of town. I went to the tree near the middle of the forest. I sat down and pulled out a sandwich. I tried to think of how I could fix this mess. I heard something move in the bushes a few yards away. I jumped up and hid behind the tree. There haven't been animals in this land for years, and I didn't know any other people who came into these woods. I watched the bush, and soon a boy walked out. He looked about my age, but he was dressed way nicer. He couldn't be from the east side because nobody over hear owns those type of clothes. He looked kinda familiar. I walked out from behind the tree. "You lost?" He jumped when I said this like he didn't expect anyone to be here. "Y-Yah a little." He kept glancing around and then back at me."You're from the westside aren't you?" He shook his head yes. "What's your name kid?" He seemed very hesitant to answer the question which didn't surprise me. The westsiders always looked past us and never trusted us. They use to visit our side until one of them started a fight, and it got blamed on us. "We're really not that bad. We still human." He kinda losen up and looked around again. "I pretty sure that no one else is here." He walked a little closer to me. "Then why are you here?" I was just happy he was talking now. "To get away from the city and my two brothers. It can be chaotic." He nodded like he understood. "You seem very chill. I was always told the eastsiders were bad guys that just wanted to hurt people." I looked at the ground. Of course that's what the government would say. "Nope we are just people that didn't get born into money. Most of us are chill. Just people trying to survive in this crazy world." I sat down after saying this. I finished eating my sandwich. He looked at me and then came over and sat next to me. There was along pass before anyone said anything else. "My names Kwon by the way." I stared at him and realized why he looked so familiar. "Kwon Holmes?" He looked at me kinda werid. "Yah but how did you know?" I smiled and let out a breath of relief. "My names Aella...Aella Brown." He's eyes got wide. "Really?" "No I just made up that name." I said in a sarcastic voice. "Oh ok." I rolled my eyes. "You're slow." He let out a weak smile. "So you are Aella?" I looked at him like he was stupid. "Yes it's me." He ran over to me and gave me a hug. "It's been awhile." He shook his head in agreement. "To long. All the kids on the westside are snobby." At that moment I realised something. "Why are you over here? If you get caught you will get in trouble." I looked around to make sure no one was spying on us. "I had to get out of the city, so I went on a walk and got lost." I walked towards the border and motioned for him to come. "You can't get caught over here." He looked at me. "Like I care our government sucks." I nodded. "But that doesn't change the law." "Well you could get in trouble too." I rolled my eyes. "So why were you acually here?" I stopped dead in my tracks. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone. Ok?" He nodded and sat down and patted for me to sit down. I laughed and walked over to him. "I was thinking of a way to change the government. I found these pictures last night, and decided that it was time for a change." I whispered to him and then looked around to make sure no one was out there. "Can I help?" I stared at him like he was insane. "You could get in big trouble." He shook his head like he knew this already. "Well I mean if you are ready to make that sacrifice, then sure you can help." "How about we met back here tomorrow to talk about it. It's getting late and my parents might try to come look for me." I nodded and watched him head back to his side. I got up and put my backpack on and headed back to my house. When I got back, my dad was asleep on the couch. Amory was already in his corner asleep. Amell was sitting at the table with a mug of coffee. I came and sat next to him. "Are you ok?" He looked at me like he just noticed that I sat down. "Yah it was just along day." He tried to leave the table, but I knew there was something else bothering him. "What really happened?" He sighed and sat back down at the table. "Don't tell dad or Amory." I nodded my head and was very intrigued. "I'm getting sent to Maine." My heart dropped. "Why?" Maine is where the government set up and you are only sent there if you did something wrong or if you work there. "I acually don't know. They just told me today." I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I had to figure something out quick.

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