Plans for the Government

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I got up the next morning and grabbed coffee and some snacks. I headed back towards the forest. My dad and Amell are already at work, and Amory sleeps most of the day or reads. He hopes to get out of this mess by educating himself. When I get to the forest, I don't see Kwon. I sat down under the same tree, and started drinking my coffee. Soon I heard someone running towards me. I jump up and grab my stuff. Kwon comes out of the bush. "Hide." I don't hesitate and we both get behind the big tree. Three men come out of the bushes seconds after we hide. "Where did he go?" One of the other guys shrugs. I see there badge and almost have a panic attack. They are the border control. The border control are the people that got sent down here to keep the east and west divided. They are known for shooting people on the spot if they aren't in line. I looked at Kwon like he was insane. How did they even know? Why are they here? Didn't I tell Kwon to be careful? He looked at me let out a smirk and shrugged. I rolled my eyes. This kid is an idiot. "Well I don't think he's here. Maybe you were seeing things." The three of them argued and moved on. After waiting for about twenty minutes, we decided that they were long gone. I shoved Kwon away from me. "What is wrong with you? How did they catch you? We could have died. Are you stupid?" He wasn't smiling anymore. "Look I'm sorry ok. I didn't think they would acually follow me." I began to walk back to my house until he grabbed my arm. "I said I'm sorry. Please don't leave. I can't go back yet." I grabbed my backpack and sat down on the ground. "Now what?" He shrugged. "We need to figure out a plan." I thought about this for awhile, but I couldn't come up with one. "Maybe we could blow something up." I rolled my eyes again. Sometimes I think I picked the dumbest kid to be friends with. "That's not a plan. That's part of a plan, but we need a whole plan first." He nodded like he didn't understand that the first time I said it. We ate for awhile without saying a word. "I've got it." I looked at him like he had acually gone insane. "Got what?" "Our plan." I felt dumb now. "Well what is it?" He sat up now very happy. "So we dress up like guards and get information about the government. Then we can destroy them from the inside out." While it did seem risky, it was perfect. "You're a genius kwon." He stood up all proud of himself. "I know." I rolled my eyes. "Now don't get a bigger head than you already do." He rubbed his head and then stared at me. "So how are we going to get a uniform." He thought about this for awhile. "I can handle that. You just bring more snacks tomorrow." I nodded and we both headed home. "Where have you been?" I was shocked to see both dad and Amell home so early. "I was in the forest." They nodded because I went there almost everyday; they motioned for me to seat down and I noticed that they looked sad. "Where's Amory?" At this they looked at each other and a tear left Amells eye. I jumped up from the seat that I had barely sat in. I ran to our room and didn't see him. I ran up and down that little house and looked for him everywhere. Then I ran outside and look end d in the garden where he often read his books. I went to the shed where he would help me learn how to spell. Then I went to the tree that we use to climb all the time. When I finally got back inside, they were still sitting there. "He's gone Aella." I felt myself freeze in place. I thought of all the times we read a book together, or when we would go to the forest and talk. He was the one that showed me the big tree. "What happened?" They were silent for awhile like they didn't want to tell me. "The guards took him away. They found out he was studying and reading." I felt the angry stir inside of me. I went to my room and thought about kwon and my plan. I was going to go to that place and get my brother back weather I had to blow that place up or not.

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