Unlikely Allies

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We went to the hospital the next day to get Kwon. "What is he doing here?" I could tell that he was angry. "Look we can trust him now." I told him about how Sam wants to help us. "Yeah I'm sure he will." I felt the tension in the room thicken as we stood in silence. Finally Sam spoke up. "We're taking you home. Well my house, but that's going to be your home for now. I know you don't trust me; I wouldn't trust me either, but this is the only way Aella can go home." I turned around to face Sam. "What do you mean?" He realized what he said and moved his gaze to his shoes. "Since your an eastsider, they won't let you go home. They want you dead, but since 'your my maid you have use right now." I felt my blood start to boil and my face turn red. "I need some air." I walked outside and paced the sidewalk. I was born and raised in this country; I've never broken any rules or laws. I remember when my mom use to tell me about how America was an amazing country where people go to be free. What now mom? What happened to that perfect country? She would talk about how when she was kid people were respected no matter their class. Then my dad would jump in, and he would put in his two cents. I stopped pacing and closed my eyes. I saw my childhood home, the place I originally lived in before we were forced to move. I heard my mom talking about her journeys as a teen. She told me about the year 2020; the whole world went on lock down because of a disease. She was only 14 at the time, but she talked more about the world then her own experience. One time I tried asking her about what she did during that time, and she just smiled and went on a walk. I loved listening to her stories of what the world was like when she was younger. She also said that it was a lot different when she was growing up. The world was a lot scarier in her time. She talked about murders everyday and people being scared to leave their house for fear of getting kidnapped or killed. I thought it was so cool to think about how much different it was then. I mean you would only hear about a murder maybe once a month and nobody goes missing anymore. She said that we were very blessed to be born when the world was happier. She stuck by this until they took away everything we had. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were about to go to church when they knocked on our door. They wrecked our house and threw us in a truck full of other people. They never really told us what was happening until we got to our new home. When they told us, my parents both got upset. I had never really seen my mom mad since she was always a calm person. I opened my eyes when I heard someone yell my name. I looked over and saw Kwon walking towards me holding his wound. "Kwon, are you suppose to be out of bed yet." He let out a smile. "I'm fine." He started at me for awhile until I asked him if he was okay. "Yeah sorry....I just forgot how short you were." I was about to yell at him, but Sam came over to us. "Okay so I've asked a few of my friends that are on our side met us at my house. When we got back to his house, Their was another man there; he almost reminded me of someone. "Qwen I'm glad you could come. This is Kwon and Aella." He stared at me for a second before asking me a question. "What's your last name miss?" I looked at both Sam and Kwon before answering. "Brown. Why?" His eyes got huge and a smile formed on his face. "Is your mom's name Christi?" I nodded my head and before I could say anything else he was hugging me. " Umm..." He let go and looked me up and down. "You look just like her." I looked at Kwon and he just shrugged. "How do you know my mom?" His smile disappeared. "I figured she wouldn't have talked about me much. I'm her dad." My jaw dropped, and I released why he looked familiar. I had seen pictures of him in the attic, but everytime I asked about him mom changed the subject. "After your mom moved out, she didn't talk to me much. It was my fault, I had pushed her away while she lived in my house. I made her miserable and she had enough. The last time she talked to me was right after Amell was born. We got into an argument and she kicked me out. I was so mad after that argument that I moved away. She sent me and text when both you and Amory were born, but I was to stubborn to answer. Before the divided, I joined the guard so I could find her. How is she by the way?"  I stared at the ground for awhile. "Qwen she's been dead for eight years." I watched his face turn pale and his eyes start to water. "How old are you and your siblings now?" It was very awkward and for all I knew he could be lying, but it fit together. "Amell is 17, I'm 15 and Amory is 13." He nodded and walked to the other room. I turned to look at Kwon. "As if my life couldn't get anymore complicated."

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