Beginning of the End

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While we waited for everyone else to show up, Kwon pulled me aside. "Hey I'm glad your okay." I let out a smile. "Of course I'm okay. You're the one that was in the hospital." I let out a laugh, but soon realised he was serious. "Kwon are you okay?" He nodded. "Yah it's much has happened in the last few days. I mean I got reconnected with you and then I thought I was going to lose you. I mean what if Sam wasn't on our side? Then what would have happened to you? I'm just glad that I get to see you again and that you're ok." He grabbed my hand and held it in his own. I looked at our hands and then back at him. "I wanted to tell you this before everything gets to crazy....I care for you a lot Aella." I looked him in the eyes. "I care for you too." He took a deep breath. "Aella I have feelings for you. I have ever since we were younger. I was too scared to tell you because I might have lost you, but I would regret not telling you if something happened." A tear fell from his eye and I could tell that he was scared that it wasn't going to go as planned. I think we all were. "Hey don't cry. For what it's worth I have feelings for you too." We walked back into the room with everyone else. "Ok so what's the plan." Sam pulled out a map of the city. "It's simple...we just have to kill the leader." I rolled my eyes. "Yah real simple." Kwon and Sam let out a smile. The others weren't happy with my sarcastic remark. "And who are you?" I looked at the man who asked this. He was a scrawny kid. Looked about 20 and definitely felt entitled. "Aella Brown." Then I turned my attention back to Sam. "How are we going to do it?" He went through how to get around the city. It was like a maze. And then he pointed at the main house. "Once we get here, it's all or nothing. Most of the guards will be here. We will need to watch each other's backs." After we went over the plan, we all went to take a nap. "So how old are you, Ms.Brown?" I turned around to see the scrawny boy again. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. "Oh come on." I pulled my arm away, now not very happy. "What do you want?" He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Come on live alittle." I tried to back away, but he kept walking closer and closer. Soon he had me cornered and I closed my eyes not knowing what he was going to do. "Why don't you back off?" I opened my eyes to find Kwon inbetween the scrawny kid and me. "Why don't you mind your own business?" Kwon was a lot taller than the kid and bigger. I could tell that the kid was scared of Kwon, but didn't want to show it. "Well you should leave her alone." I saw Kwon's hand turn into a fist, and didn't want his to hurt anyone. I grabbed his hand, and it soon relaxed. The kid looked down and saw us holding hands. "So what is she your girlfriend?" Kwon looked back at me and smiled. "Yah she is." I smiled. I didn't hate that title. The kid stormed off and Kwon turned around. We both let out a laugh. "So I'm your girlfriend now?" He shrugged. "If you want to be." I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. "I would like that." I walked into the other room, and layed down. I decided to get some sleep before I could lose my life. When I woke up, everyone else was already awake. I walk over to Kwon. "So you weren't going to wake me up?" He looked at me and smiled. "You looked peaceful and you need sleep." I ate some eggs and then walked over to Sam. He was going over the plan again. "When are we leaving?" He turned around. "Woah you think your going?" I looked at the map and then back at him. "Why wouldn't I?" He shrugged. "Well only if you want too. I know I can't stop you." He walked away leaving me with the map and my thoughts. I turned around and Kwon was standing right behind me. "You don't have to go? What if something goes wrong?" I let out a sigh. "Kwon because of them, my mom is dead and my family is miserable. They took my brother and shot you. You think I'm going to sit around and play house wife while your fighting. Plus what if something happens to you? If you don't mind, I'm going to get dressed." I walked past him into the room were my stuff is. I threw on some clothes that would be best for fighting in. When I got done, Kwon was standing outside my door. "You know you look creepy just standing around." He let out a smile. "Look I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt." I nodded. "I know, but I have to fight. This is my battle too." We walked back into the kitchen. I realized that I was the last one to be ready. "Glad the princess is finally done." The scrawny kid looked around to see if others were laughing at his joke. None of them were. "I could snap you in half." He looked at Kwon and quickly shut his mouth. Everyone looked at Sam. "Well here goes nothing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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