You Don't Break Promises

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As soon as I wake up, I run to the forest. I wait eagerly for Kwon to get there with the uniforms. I am ready to do this now. When Kwon got back I grabbed the uniform from him and went behind a tree to change. I hide my other clothes in a tree and Kwon did the same. We didn't say anything until we were halfway out of the forest. "Aella?" I kept walking. "Aella?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to were I had to stop walking. "What?" I said it kinda angrily. "What's wrong?" I murmured nothing and tried to keep walking. I only got a few steps before he grabbed me again. "Tell me Aella." I tried to pull away, but I soon realised that he wasn't going to let me go until I told him. "It's Amory. They took Amory." I fell to the ground and started crying. I never cried. I could tell he was shocked because it took him awhile to say anything. He soon sat right next to me and pulled me closer so I could lay my head on his shoulder. "It's ok we will get him back. I promise." We sat like that for a little while. Finally we got back up and started towards one of the guard towers. When we got in there, no one even gave us a second look. We kept our head down and didn't talk to anyone. Finally the bus to go to Maine came. We loaded on it and it was a very long drive. When we finally got there, we headed towards the prison. I looked around for awhile and finally found my brother. "Amory?" He turned around to see me. "Aella!" He jumped up and I gave him a signal to be quiet. He got the hint pretty quick. I searched for a key and finally found one. When I got the door open, he gave me a huge hug. "I missed you." I tryed to hold back my tears but I couldn't. I let out a few tears before Kwon gave Amory a uniform to change back into. I walked down the hall a little while. Kwon followed me and we stood there quiet for a second. "We are going to catch the bus back to the border." I looked at him kinda confused. "I thought you wanted to blow something up." He let out a smile. "I gave you a promise and I'm going to keep it. Plus we can do that next time." I smiled and soon Amory was ready. When we headed back to the bus station, we stood silent for awhile. Soon another soldier joined us. "You know the next bus doesn't come until tomorrow." I felt fear build inside me. "Of course we did." He nodded and walked away. "What do we do now?" They both shrugged and Kwon started to look around. I was just suprised that we blended in so well. I was only about 5'2 and didn't look much other than I was. Kwon on the other hand was 6'2 and looked to be at least two years older than he was. It amazed me how tall he was. When we were kids, we were the same height. He motioned for us to follow him and he started to walk around. We passed a lot of soldiers and none of them even took a second look at us. Soon an alarm went off and we stopped dead in our tracks. Then an intercom came on. "There has been a break out. Prisoner 198 has escaped." A picture of Amory was posted on a every tv screen. I looked at Amory and figured he was prisoner 198. Kwon turned and looked at all the soldiers. They were running towards a big building. I guess that was were the main leaders were at. "Ok so we are going to make a break for it." I looked at him like he was insane. "What do you mean?" He kept his eyes on all of our surroundings. "While they are busy we will leave the city and go home. I know it's a long walk but we will have to do it. We don't have any other choice." I nodded in agreement, but before we could leave Amory's hat blew off to reveal his face. "Hey there she is, with those two other soldiers." They started running towards us and Kwon grabbed my hand and I grabbed Amory's. We ran for awhile but the soldiers kept getting closer. We made a turn and soon were surrounded by soldiers. They had their guns out and pointed at us. I let go of Amory's hand, but Kwon didn't let go of mine. "You have no were to go. Now give us the kid." Kwon looked at me and whispered into my ear. "I made you a promise." He pulled put a gun from his side and I covered Amory's eyes and ears. Soon he grabbed my hand again and we were running again. We turned again and were in an open field. I had Amory run in front of me so I could keep my eyes on him. We were almost out when I felt a jerk on my right arm. Soon I was in someone's arms with a gun to my head. I let out a scream and Kwon and Amory turned around. I watched as Kwon's eyes got huge. He was only about a foot away, but he was still very cautious. "Amory run." He tryed to argue and Kwon gave him a look. He ran into the woods and soon out of sight. I made eye contact and decided that I had to make the first move. I stomped on his foot and slipped out of his arms. I started to run towards Kwon, but when I got there he shoved me out of the way. I heard a loud bang and covered my ears. "KWON!"

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