House Maid and Hospital Visits

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I ran over to where he was. He was coming his lower left side and I lifted up his hand to see the wound. "Get the girl." He looked at me and let out a weak smile. "Run Aella." I shook my head. I just got him back after all these years and it was my fault this happened. I stood up and looked at the soldiers. "I will go with you if you promise to help him." The lead soldiers looked at me like I was insane. One of them motioned for the soldiers to stop. He walked over to me and looked me up and down. I tried to make myself look bigger than I was but that was hard. He grabbed my hat which caused all of my hair to fall down. "You are a fine looking girl." I was confused by this statement but didn't let it show. "How would you like to be my maid?" I looked at Kwon on last time and figured it was my only chance to save him. "Only if you get him help." He let out a small smirk and stepped back a little. "A feisty one I see. Fine we will help your friend. Now follow me." He turned around and started walking and I watched the other soldiers pick Kwon up and carry him away. I followed him into a building. When we got inside I realized it was his house. "Go make me some dinner." I went to the kitchen and looked in the pantry. All I could find was some soup and ramen. I heated up the soup and saw that the kitchen was a mess so I cleaned it up a bit. Finally I got done with the soup and placed it on his table. "What's your name anyway girl?" "Aella." He took a spoonful of the soup and had a face of pleasure. "Good job. My names Samual but you can call me sam." I nodded. "You don't really have any other food or cleaning supplies. Can I go buy some?" He nodded and gave me his card. "The pens 3682 and why don't you go see your friend too." I let out a big smile and almost fell getting out the door. When I got to the hospital, I walked up and down the hallways until I saw him. "Kwon!" He looked at me and had a face of confusion. "Who are you?" I felt my heart drop to my toes. I froze in my place and felt a tear fall out of my eyes. He sat up in his bed and motioned for me to come over. "I'm sorry I was joking." I almost punched him in the arm and I would have if he wasn't already in the hospital. We sat and talked for awhile. "Why would you do that? You should have let the bullet hit me." He met my eyes and shook his head. "I just got you back Aella. I wasn't about to let them take you away again. I wouldn't have been able to live knowing that I could have saved you. Plus if it would have hit you, it would have hit close to your heart and probably killed you instantly." I sat there for awhile and finally got to take in what had happened. "You could have died Kwon. Then what?" We were quiet for awhile. "Why didn't you run?" I stood up now mad. Not mad at him, but mad at him for his decisions. "And left you? They probably would have let you die and it was my fault you came here anyway. It was my idea and my brother. I wasn't about to let you die for something I caused." He motioned for me to sit down again and I hadn't even realized that I started crying again. "I hope Amory got home safe." After and hour, I had to go to the store. I told Kwon that I would come see him again tomorrow. I got some normal food from the store and a some snacks. When I got home, it was already night and Sam had fallen asleep on his couch. I put the groceries away and went upstairs. I found an empty room and set up a place on the floor for me to sleep. It took awhile for me to fall asleep, for my thoughts were running like a hamster on a wheel. I couldn't shake the feeling of Amory not making it home or if Kwon had died. I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything. My hands were tied together. Someone grabbed my arm and jerked me up. I stood up and we walked for a long time. I kept tripping over stuff on the ground. When we finally stopped, they shoved me to the ground. They pulled the bag off my head and I saw that we were in the forest again. He yelled something in a language that I couldn't understand. Soon two other soldier came and threw someone down on each side of me. They each ripped off the bags front their heads to reveal Kwon and Amory. "Are you ok?" I looked at Kwon and nodded. They yelled something else and I could tell Kwon and Amory couldn't understand them either. They took out their guns and they shoved them in our face. One of them pulled the trigger and I watched Kwon's dead body fall to the ground. I screamed and tried to crawl over to him. One of the soldiers jerked me back to were I was. I looked over to see the soldier that brought Amory over with his finger on the trigger. I tried to scream, but nothing would come out. They pulled the trigger. I woke up shaking and crying uncontrollably. I grabbed my jacket and ran back to the hospital. Kwon was still in his bed and he was asleep. I grabbed a chair and sat down next to him. I finally got myself to stop crying, but I couldn't fall back asleep. When Kwon woke up, he looked confused on why I was here. "What are you doing here?" I shrugged. "I had a bad dream." He nodded like he understood. I thought back on that day in the woods when we were joking about blowing stuff up and how it felt so long ago. It wasn't even a week ago. I wanted to go home and see my family and be able to talk to Kwon in the woods. I miss Amory and Amell. I had to go back to Sam's house to make him breakfast. Luckily he wasn't awake yet, so I started on the eggs. When he woke up I set out our food. "You know your friend shouldn't be in the hospital for that much longer." I nodded not really listening to what he was saying. "I want him to stay here......I want to help yall." At that statement I looked at him. "I hate our government and it needs to change."

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