Chapter 1

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I take a deep breath as I look in the mirror to see myself wearing long black pants and a long-sleeve white blouse

I grab my things and head out. Today is my first day working at JYPE. And to say I'm nervous is an understatement.

I'm supposed to be working with mostly girl groups, or so I was told over the phone 2 days go. but I kept my breath steady and walked to the building. my anxiety was building up, and I don't want to have a panic attack on my first day, that would just be stupid of me

I reached the building, using my newly printed badge to get through the door, towards the place where my manager told me to meet him. one I reached his office I took a deep breath while placing my hand on the door, knocking softly. 

"Come in!" I heard a voice on the other side, doing as I'm told I enter the office, making sure to stand up straight. not wanting to give a bad impression I introduced myself, soon taking a paper of a list of things that I would have to do at this time every day. I nodded as he explained everything, then left after saying goodbye. I walked down the hallways with the 2 sheets of paper in my hands 

"Take lunch to the groups practicing" I read it out loud, okay that shouldn't be hard, I'll just go to each group and ask what kind of food they want and place a delivery! simple!

I had an idea all planned out. and I was proud of myself for getting this far already!

I followed the little signs they placed on the walls until I ended up at the practice rooms. I went down the hallway, the groups alphabetized. I went on my phone and already placed an order for Day6, 2pm, Got7, and a few others before I got to a door labeled "Stray Kids"

interesting name, I thought to myself before knocking a bit louder than normal considering I heard music inside the room, in fear of them not hearing me.

soon the music stops and I hear a "good job guys!! 15 minutes" and they all cheered before someone opened the door.

he was handsome, blonde naturally curly hair.  

(A/N: hehe ;))

"Hello!" he said with a bright smile, I bowed slightly "hi, I'm kinda new here, and I was told to get food for everyone. any suggestions?" I asked he smiled a bit bigger before stepping to the side. 

"food?" he asked towards his bandmates, half of them laying on the floor as if they collapsed. within seconds I was inside their practice room, placing an order on my phone.

I placed the phone to my ear, my sleeve fell down my arm, revealing some old and new scars. I pull it back up, gripping my wrist to hold it up as is supporting my hand holding the food.

"Okay thank you!" I said with a smile before hanging up.  they all looked at me as I slid my phone in my pocket "they said they'll have it right over, so I better go meet then at the front" I bowed "it was nice meeting you guys!" I said before we all said our goodbyes, I was halfway to the elevator when someone came up beside me

"hey! I'm here to help you carry the food up!" the tall black hair boy said and I couldn't help but smile at him. he looked at me with a sad expression, he looked like he was lost in thought "Whatcha thinking?" I asked trying to start up a conversation 

"I'm trying to figure out what it will take to make you truly smile" 

my eyes widened slightly, wait he couldn't be talking about what I think he's talking about, I'm probably overthinking it.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you just saw me smile," I said with a small laugh. "but we both know it was fake" that's when my smiling dropped "how did you know?" I asked as he pushed the button for the elevator as I just looked at the floor

"I could tell from the moment you walked in, that you had nothing left to live for" he paused as we got into the elevator "as if life dealt you hand that you want to fold," he said as we looked into each other's eyes "I saw your wrist when you were on the phone.. how long?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about. "5 years" I said quietly but he still heard it. to say he was shocked would be an understatement. but he still kept quiet waiting for me to speak, but when I didn't he let out a breath as we stepped out of the elevator.

the next words that were said between us weren't till we delivered all the food except for him and his bandmate's food.

right before we entered the practice room he left maybe 20 minutes ago he turned to me with a serious look. "when you get off, meet me back here, I wanna talk to you some more." he said and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he was sad, I couldn't figure out why though

I nodded and he took all the food from my arms "I will see you later Y/n!" the boy said, that's when I realized I never got the boys names, I just know the one who opened the door, Chan.

the rest of the day I did what I was instructed to do, but for some reason, I couldn't get the thought of that beautiful black-haired boy out of my head, and what does he want to talk about after work?

God is he going to bring it up again?!

"Hey Y/n you can go ahead and clock out now," my boss told me and I nodded, clocking out minutes after and grabbing my things and heading to the practice room

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