Chapter 15

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it's been a few weeks since I brought Chin Sun home. its been tough, trying to take care of the children living in my apartment, I soon found out I needed a bigger apartment. so me and Hyunjin started looking for a big house that we could all live in together, with room for more

I just finished giving Sun her bottle and sat down, I was about to turn on the TV when my phone started ringing. I reached for it on the other end of the couch and grabbed it, I saw the caller ID and wasted no time in answering it "Hey Danny!" I exclaim with a smile as I put the phone to my ear

"How are you doing Y/n?" he asked softly "I'm doing good, just had a child," I said and he wishes me luck along with congratulations before his voice turned serious "The results for Gun's test came back..." he said trailing off and I gulped hoping with all of me that the sweet specious child is mine

"He's your child." he said and that's when I started cheering and jumping around the living room "This is great!!" I said with the biggest smile and I heard him laugh at my childish ways on the other end of the phone call.

"Thanks so much, Danny!! I gotta go tell my Fiancee!" I said but before I could hang up he starts questioning me "Fiancee? how come I've never met him?" he asked and I could visually picture him raising an eyebrow 

I let out a soft giggle before replying "he's the only person who saw through my mask from the start and stuck with me even after I told him everything" I explained and he hummed in approval "why don't you come over for dinner tonight like the good old times and you can meet him and our beautiful daughter Chin Sun" I asked and he agreed almost instantly 

I hung up the phone, unable to get the smile off my face. that's when Mia came running "What was all the yelling about?" she asked and tears fell from my eyes from the overwhelming Joy I was feeling

"Gun's my blood child," I said with a sniffle as I wipe the tears away, Mia walked closer to me and embraced me. she didn't say anything, she just held me till I stopped crying. once I stopped crying I pulled away, thanking Mia in the process with a few sniffles.

She had a hand on each of my shoulders as she looked into my eyes "Do you think your other children are out there?" she asked and I really didn't think about that, I was just happy the Gun was my child.

"I mean its possible," I said as I got lost in thought. 

now that's the only thing running through my mind as I finish up dinner cause Hyunjin got off not long ago and was on his way and so was Danny.

my train of thought was broken when Hyunjin came through the door with paperwork in hand and a big smile. I smile back at him as I go back to setting the table and he comes up from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my shoulder as he showed me the papers he was holding

"I bought us a house," he said with that soft smile but I, on the other hand, was shocked. "you bought a house?" I asked turning around in his arms to ace him as he nodded with a hum. "I mean I'm happy, but why didn't you confront me about it?" I asked and his proud expression turned sad

"Buying a house is a big step that I wanted us to do together," I said placing my hand on his arm, close to his should and I started caressing it. "I understand, and I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you..." he said like a child who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar

"It's okay, just next time, let's do it together!" I said with a soft smile as I move his head up to look into my eyes, then I moved out of his embrace much to his complaints, I moved to the fridge, grabbing a bottle and handing it to Hyunjin

"Okay, Mr. Moneybags, you can give our daughter her bottle," I said and he smiled he didn't even look burdened "You called her 'our daughter'" he said happily and I smiled, placing a soft kiss on his lips "That's what she is isn't she?"

he nodded before running off to feed the child.

not long after that, I heard a knock on the front door. I walked over to the door, I opened it to be met with a smiling Danny. I step aside and motion for him to come inside.

we sat down at the table as he smiled at me "so where's that Fiancee of yours?" he asked as I put the main course on the table, "he's feeding Sun her bottle, if everything goes well he'll be back in a few minutes" I said and he let out a soft laugh. I called the kids in for dinner and as soon as the kids got into the kitchen and took their seats, Hyunjin was right behind them with an empty bottle and a swaddled baby in his arms

he got a bit startled at the new person at the table seeing as I never told him someone was coming over.

"Hyunjin this is Danny, he's been my father since my foster family died" I explained and he nodded with a smile as he walked over to Danny with an outstretched arm. "It's nice to meet you, sir," he said before talking to Danny for a few minutes and putting the empty bottle up and the child back in her crib

other than that I'd say it went pretty well, Danny got to know the children and even held Sun. he did the normal dad warning towards Hyunjin about if he ever broke my heart

later when I saw Danny out he spoke to me "He seems like a nice guy, I like him. but if he ever hurts you then I never liked him" I laughed softly at his comment.

after seeing him out I cleaned up and put the kids to bed, Hyunjin decided to stay the night, he said we can move into the new house tomorrow

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