Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning to someone filling my bed and I soon realized it wasn't my fiancee. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the one in my bed and when I found out it was my newest child I smiled softly and pulled him closer

just then my alarm went off waking the child in my arms. I smile wider as he rubs his sleepy eyes "good morning sweetheart!" 

"Good morning mom!" the smile that came onto his face lit up the room as I saw it. and then there's the fact he called me mom! my heart melted.

The next thing I know our moment is being interrupted by a phone call. I reach behind me and find my phone. I looked at the caller ID and realized it was the office. I gave Gun a sorry look before picking up the phone "Hello, this is Y/n speaking." I answer

I gave Gun a soft kiss on the head before moving to get changed. as Gun sat on the edge of the bed. Since my former boss quit, he gave me his job. so now I'm the head of the office. once I change I go back to my room only to find Gun not there no more. I was sad but walked into the kitchen to get breakfast only to find Hyunjin there with Pancakes

I smiled as I approached him and kissed his cheek before grabbing my pancakes. and sitting down with much struggle. I and Hyunjin sat on the opposite side of the table from the kids, Hyunjin placed his hand on my thigh as I spoke

"Could you take Gun to get some new clothes and shoes, and all the essentials?" I asked and Hyunjin nodded with a smile. 

we talked for a bit before we finished and I got up and headed to get ready for work. Mia left for school and the boys left to go shopping. I walked into my closet and as I was searching for an outfit I started getting these cramps every few minutes, I just ignored them as another pain that came with pregnancy once I got changed I got a really terrible cramp to the point I doubled over. that's when I realized the small puddle under me. How did I not notice that?

I take deep breaths as I pull out my phone as I sat on the ground. I brought up Hyunjin's contact, it said his phone was silenced. he normally mutes his phone when he's at my place so no one can interrupt us. he must've forgotten to turn it back on.

so I called Mia, I knew it was a long shot cause she has her phone on silent too since she's in class.

I shakily type in 911 as another cramp hits me and I yell. I told them my address and what was happening before hanging up and calling my last hope to not have this child on my own, I can't have this child on my own

"Hello?" He picked up!!! I let to a breath I wasn't aware I was holding

"I need you! Hyunjin and Mia's phones are turned off and I'm at home, in labor" I spoke before trying to hold back a scream from the pain.

I heard a car door shut "Okay Y/n, deep breaths, and push, I'll be there before you know it!" he spoke before hanging up. I do as he said and within a few minutes, I heard the front door open. "In here!" I yelled and within seconds he was on the ground beside me, holding my hand as his other starts calling Hyunjin over and over

"Hey Hyung, what's the matter?" Hyunjin asked once he finally picked up "Your Fiancee is having her child and you're nowhere in sight, that's what's wrong with this picture" He said with an angry tone 

"On my way, hang in there honey!" then we heard the sirens outside "Meet us at the hospital" I spoke through the pain, I heard him hum before he hung up.

not long after that I was loaded up and taken to the hospital where I had the child I once hated. with the love of my life holding my hand and my 2 children outside waiting with their uncle. 


not long after I lay in a hospital bed with our beautiful baby girl. Chan and the children walk in just to start awning over the child in my arms. I smile at the sight as Chan holds her small hand in his

"What did you guys name her?" He asked looking up at us but not letting go of the child hand "Chin Sun" I spoke and he nodded as I smiled "What does Chin Sun mean?" Gun asked and my smile softened as I looked into his eyes 

"It means The one who seeks truth and goodness in everything." I spoke and he smiled widely "I like it!" he said and my smile widened as well "So do I!" later that day after we fawned over the child I and Chin Sun were released from the hospital, me with strict orders of bed rest for the next couple days.

carrying Chin Sun did a number on my body, more than I realized. so the doctor said I should rest and let my body recover.

once we got to my apartment, I had Chin Sun in one arm, swaddled as I hang onto Hyunjin with my other arm for support, seeing as my legs were still shaky. I sat on the couch as Chan left to do leader things again.

Hyunjin sits next to me on the couch and I lean my head on his shoulder with a soft smile as we look down at the child in my arms, our sweet baby girl. Mia came and sat next to me and Gun sat next to Hyunjin all gawking over Chin Sun

"Even though it didn't start well, I still think this was truly meant to be" Mia spoke and I nodded in agreement

Depression Is Only One Word//Hyunjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now