Chapter 3

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I spent a bit more time in Hyunjin's arms till we both decided it was late and we should get back and get some sleep. we said our goodbyes and I started walking home. I wasn't happy but I wasn't sad either.

I was lost in thought as I was coming up to the bridge I normally cross over. It was a road, and underneath it was a highway with cars.

I was looking forward as I walked and thought about what happened today. till I saw something out of the corner of my eye. it was a girl, maybe 16. she was beautiful, as she looked down at the traffic. it snapped me out of my thoughts. so just in case, I slowed down my pace and kept an eye on her as I passed

just then I saw her climb over the railing to stand on the other side and she looked ready to jump. that's when my feet started moving to cross the road, I started off walking then it turned into a fast pace run.

I held out my hand as I yelled "DON'T JUMP!!"

the railing was the kind that had bars, it wasn't a complete wall for the wall

so I aimed to reach through one of the bars when I saw her jump. I fell to the ground as fast as possible and grabbed her hand as she dangled over the edge. I reached through the bars with my other hand and grabbed onto hers with both of mine

he looked up and I saw tears flowing down her cheeks. the sight of it almost made me cry. I pulled her up which required a lot of strength that I somehow had at that moment. 

when I pulled her to the safe side of the bars we both sat on the ground, I embraced her as she cried into my blouse. but I didn't mind.

when she finally stopped crying after maybe 20 minutes of us sitting on the ground embracing each other. when she finally looked up at me I raised a hand to pull some of her long black hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear

"what were you trying to get away from?" I asked softly, her response came with a sniffle "my father, and the kids at school." she explained and my expression saddened "do they hurt you?" I asked and she nodded with a hum

I sat there lost in thought, God I know how it feels to have no one around who cares, someone who won't hurt you.

I want to help her but I don't know-how. then something came to mind and I smiled. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and hand it to her "you can call the police on him, if you don't want to, I can do it for you?" I asked and she looked at me with a sad expression

"I can't, I don't have anywhere else to go," she said and that broke my heart. "you can stay with me!" I said with a smile "is your mom in the picture? cause she can stay with me too, any siblings?" I asked making sure I know that I'm not just offering her freedom "my mother died a couple of years ago and I'm an only child" she said and I nodded

"so you have no reason to not call the police" I said softly handing her the phone again. she nodded.

she took the phone and dialed 911. I tried not to listen to her conversation. I don't want to be rude. when she finished and hung up the phone I looked at her with a questioning look

"they're on their way... they want me there so they can get my statement" she said and I nodded. I stood and reached my hand down to pull her up "then let's go. I'll be with you the whole way!" I said with a smile. she smiled too before grabbing my hand and leading the way

"so how old are you?" I asked "15," she said and my jaw dropped "wow, you're still pretty young," I said and she nodded. "how about you?" she asked turning the question back on me "I'll be 20 next month" I smile. "whole the age difference," she said joking around and I giggled

when we arrived at her house the police were already there. 

she went to the house and I stood back and kept an eye on her from afar. I wasn't going to be where I wasn't needed, but if something goes wrong I'll be at her. just then I hear my name being called "Y/n, is that you?" it was a male voice. 

I turn around and I was met with an unfamiliar face "it is you!" he said with a smile and I started feeling bad cause I didn't remember him

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked and he shook his head "no, but around the police station you're a legend" he said and those words caught me off guard "legend?" I asked "yes, your kidnapped case was one of the hardest ones to crack, and they use it as an example even now," he said and to be honest I was honored

"anyway what are you doing here?" he asked "supporting a girl I just met," I said glancing at the girl just to find her still talking the officer. 

"your parents would be proud of you" he said realizing what I meant "you knew my parents?" I asked with wide eyes and he nodded "they were good friends of mine. when they died I was the one who was funding your case. it was the least I could do" he said and I couldn't believe my ears 

"what's your name?" I asked 

"Danny," he said and I reached out my hand "I'm glad we met Danny" I smiled. he shook my hand and I had a thought that I spoke allowed.

"do you think you could pull some strings and help me adopt that girl?" I asked and his eyes widened "I know what foster homes feel like and I don't want her to go through that" he nodded "consider it done, I'll bring the paperwork by in a few days" he said with a soft smile which caused me to smile back

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