Chapter 7: The Robot

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Tom's POV

I watched Tord grab (Y/N) and pull her into the robot as the floor opened up. I started to run as Tord started to shoot at the house.
I heard a giant laugh come from the robot as Tord stopped shooting.
"Tord! What's going on?" I heard Edd shout.
"Oh. I just came back to get my robot and (Y/N)." I heard Tord say.
"But... I thought we were... I thought we were friends!" Edd said, looking mad and sad at the same time.
"Friends?" He laughed. "Who needs friends when you have a giant robot? All I need is (Y/N)! I don't need y'all anymore!"
I saw (Y/N) smirk at Edd.
"Like Tord said, who needs friends? They only hold you back in life!" Her words sounded somewhat forced. Tord didn't seem to notice though.
"Hey sunshine lollipops! Take a seat!" I shouted, throwing an expandable recliner cube at the giant robot.
"Oh shut up!" Tord shouted. The robot's left hand then turned into a grenade launcher.
He pointed it at me and fired as Edd yelled, "Tord, no!"
"Lame!" I shouted as the house blew up around me, burying me in rubbish.
"Thomas!" I heard (Y/N) shout.
"Oh forget about him! I'm sure he's fine." Tord said, unconcerned.
"Well, I'll see y'all later." Tord said, before the robot started to fly away.
All of a sudden the robot started to hit itself in the face.
"This is for my friends! This is for the house! And this is for my face!" I heard Matt shout as the robot continued to punch itself.

Edd's POV

I walked up to the control panel where Matt was pressing buttons.
"Mind if I join you?" I asked.
"No! You may not join him!" Tord shouted as the robot continued to hit itself.
"Sure!" Matt said.
"I bet I can press more buttons then you!" I challenged.
"I bet you can't!" Matt said as we both started pressing buttons.
"That's enough!" Tord shouted, blowing up the control panel.
"Goodbye, old friends!" The Robot gave a salute before starting to fly away.
"I am not you friend!" Tom screamed, shooting a harpoon into the robot's stomach.
Then the robot started to fall out the sky.
I turned away from the robot when I heard someone crying.
I looked over to see Eduardo holding Jon.
"Say something! Please!" He cried.
"Something..." Jon said weakly, before he stopped moving.
I looked away. I can't believe Tord did this. And I can't believe (Y/N) helped him. I thought as I turned back to Tom.

Word Count: 435

Don't worry guys! There's still about 4-5 more chapters left! And I'm probably gonna make a book 3!
I cried when Jon died in The End. It's just so sad!
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Be safe my little demons and angels! 😇 😈

~Crying Graclin

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