Chapter 8: Falling Apart

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Tord's POV

As we fell from the sky, I grabbed (Y/N) and used my body to shield her.
The robot came crashing down to the ground and I lost my hold on (Y/N)
I hit my head and passed out.


I shoved a large piece of metal off me and noticed Tord lying on the ground, not moving.
I grabbed Tord's phone, which was laying next to him.
I scrolled threw the contacts until I found Paul's number.
"Paul! We need help! Tord isn't moving and the robot exploded!" I said when Paul answered.
"We'll be right there!" Paul said before hanging up.
"Tord. Tord, please answer me!" I gently shook Tord.
After a minute he started to wake up.
"Thank God!" I said as Tord looked at me.
"W-what happened?" He stuttered.
"Tom shot is out the sky with his harpoon gun." I said.
"Ugh! That son of a bitch!" Tord said as he say up.
I noticed that the skin was peeling off of Tord's arm. I could see the bone in some parts.
"Oh my God! Tord your arm!" I exclaimed.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine." He said in his soothing Norwegian accent.

Paul's POV

As soon as (Y/N) said the robot exploded, I knew there was gonna be trouble.
"Patryk! We gotta go! The robot exploded!" I shouted as I ran out of me and Patryk's office.
"Okay! I'm coming!" Pat said as he followed me to the car.
We were still in our Red Army uniforms, but at that moment we didn't care.

~Time Skip~
We were pulling up to the giant robot. I noticed that (Y/N) was holding Tord as he laid on the ground.
I jumped out of the car that, Patryk right behind me.
"Are you okay sir?!" Patryk said, crouching down to help Tord sit up.
"I'm fine." Tord said weakly.
Patryk went to the car and grabbed his first aid kit.
"First of all, that's a lie. Second of all... You might be needing a new arm." I wouldn't look Tord in the eyes as I said that.
"I know that." Tord said sadly.
Tord got up and walked over to a human sized robot arm and picked it up.
"Lets go guys." Tord said, coming back to us and grabbing (Y/N)'s hand.

Word Count: 393

Hey guys! I had a lot of problems as I wrote this chapter. My tablet kept miss typing and shit. But don't worry, I won't let that stop me from writing this book!
More chapters soon!
Be safe my little demons and angels! 😇 😈

~Frustrated Graclin

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