Secret Crush

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I sat in my usual place like every day. Same boring classes, same annoying people, and same old faces, but only her face made my morning fresh. There she was, sitting on the bench diagonal to me. The morning breeze made her silky brown hair move beautifully in the air.

I took a few minutes to watch her closely as she stroked her hair and tucked it behind her ears making her face visible to me. Those big blue eyes like marble, and her beautiful smile showing her dimples as she looked at her phone.

"Morning class", the professor said

The lecture started, but I kept looking at her whenever I had the chance to. I had been doing this for a long time, I don't even remember since when I started to have a crush on her. I wasn't really a social person, I liked to stay alone mostly.

But there she was, the center of attraction and the most popular girl of our batch. I knew she was way out of my league but still...I really liked,

"Scarlet...", random voice

"Ms. Blue, would you explain this, please", the professor called her

"Yes sir"

Scarlet Blue, I think she got the name because of her eyes. I always secretly looked at her, but I don't know whether she knows I exist or not.

"Jessie, let's go to the cafeteria bro...", Ryan said as the bell rang

Besides Scarlet, Ryan was the only one I could tolerate. He and his random stuff always kept me distracted.

"When will you tell her bro, it's been nearly months since all the secret staring and all", he said taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I will...someday", I said abruptly 

As I continued to eat I saw Scarlet sit on the table beside us. I kept looking at her when our eyes met...

She smiled as her eyes sparkled. My heartfelt warm but at the same time, I felt nervous looking into her eyes. I immediately picked up my food tray and left the table.


[What the hell is wrong with me? She looked at you after months, and what did you do? You foolishly rushed away from there. Idiot...such an idiot...fool...ugh....]

I kept cursing myself when I saw Ryan walking towards me. 

"What's wrong with you man? You just missed the chance to talk to Scarlet", he said angrily putting his tray on the table

"What do you mean by talking to Scarlet?", I asked impatiently when he handed me a note

[Can you meet me after class behind the main building?]

My eyes widened in shock as I kept reading the note once, twice, thrice.....

"Hey...hey...", Ryan snapped me out of the shock, "What does it say?"

"She asked me to meet her after class", I said with my eyes still wide open

I kept looking at the time. The time was passing really felt like forever...


At last the final bell.....I took my bag and rushed out of the class. I bumped into Ryan while I was running to meet her,

"Dude, go after some time, don't make it look like you're desperate", he said

I felt a little weird but then, I guess he was right. I stood there for some time, and then slowly walked towards the place where we were supposed to meet. 

After I reached the building, I looked around everywhere but couldn't find Scarlet anywhere. I waited...and waited...and waited...

[Nearly 30 min later...]

"I think she stood me up. I mean what was I even thinking. Why would she wanna meet me?", I said talking to myself.

I turned to walk away from the place in despair when I heard a sweet voice calling my name loudly...

"Jessie...please wait...Jessie...", I saw Scarlet running towards me breathlessly

She finally stood in front of me taking deep breaths...

"I'm sorry I'm late...something came up in the last minute", she said breathlessly

I took out the bottle from my bag and gave it to her.

"Drink it", I said offering it to her

She looked at me and smiled. We sat on the bench silently. My heart was throbbing but I tried to look calm...

"So...why did you want to meet me?", I asked

"I...I actually wanted to say something", she said playing with her keychain

"What is it?", I asked I was dead nervous

"Do you have a girlfriend?", she asked

My cheeks burnt as I was blushing...I looked at her, she shyly looked at the ground

"No, I don't have a girlfriend", I said nervously

"Actually Jessie...I really like you", she said

I turned to look at her in a surprise. Was this happening for real? I pinched myself to check if this was really happening. 

"Ouch!!!", I moaned in pain

"What are you doing?", she asked me

"Only checking this was real?", I said

"Hahahaha...", she giggled

"Scarlet, actually I really like you too", I said placing my hands gently on hers

"So then?", she turned at me 

"So...I know a really good coffee place, you wanna go there?", I asked her

"Of course", she said excitedly

We stood up and started walking towards the coffee shop. As we were walking, I felt her fingers softly slipping into mine. I held her hand tightly moving closer to her. 

"I'm glad you met me today", she said

"I'm glad too", we smiled looking into each other's eyes and continued to walk


Hey guys, I know what you all must be thinking, I might discontinue this story too. I'm really sorry about deleting my last work, but this is something new I'm trying so please bear with me. I'll be writing short stories about different fantasies, love stories and also many more so stay tuned and make sure to click the star before reading the next chapter. 

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