Just The Way You Are-2

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A few minutes later, Liz came out of her dressing room and I stared at her from head to toe,

"So, how do I look?", she asked

I saw she wore black stone earrings and tied up her hair into a bun. She looked so pretty I got up and went near her,

"Come here sexy, not only Jacob but all the other guys would drool over you tonight", I said pulling her closer

"What about you, are you drooling over me too?", she whispered teasingly

"Well, I would if I was..."

"Shut up, let's leave it's already 7", she said and we rushed outside

"The cab's already here, come on"

We reached the party in 30 minutes. The moment I first entered my eyes were searching for Andrew all around the room. I saw him standing across the room with Mr. John and another woman. He was so busy talking to them that he didn't even notice that I came,

"Hey, um...let's find our colleagues", I said feeling slightly upset

"Why? Where's Andrew?", she asked

"Let's go", I walked away without answering

I found a group of people in the corner and walked towards them, 

"Hey guys", I said 

"Oh hey, Liam, hey Liz come join us", a guy said

"Have a drink, guys", another person said

"I don't see Jacob", Liz whispered to me

"Liz, you look really pretty tonight, something special"

"No, nothing special", she said when the music started to play

"Liz", a familiar voice called her

"Jacob...", her face lit up in the excitement

  "Control yourself, don't get excited", I whispered and walked away from there

I randomly walked into the room when I ran into Cynthia. We stood in a corner talking to each other when my eyes spotted Andrew and the same woman from earlier. She entangled her arms with his. I was raged and hurt, he didn't even feel like looking for me even once. 

I kept talking to Cynthia when I noticed Andrew finally making his way through the crowd. I decided to ignore him when he came, 

"Cynthia, Liam enjoying the party", he asked

"Oh yes sir, it's a great party", she said taking a sip from her glass 

I ignored him. "Um...could you excuse us for a bit Cynthia?", he said. "Sure sir, I'll see you later", she said and left us alone. "When did you come? I was waiting for you", he said. "Well you seemed to be quite pre-occupied to me when I came", I said in a bitter tone avoiding contact with him

"What do you mean Liam?", he asked. "Nothing, I think you should leave before someone sees us", I said ordering another glass of drink. "How many drinks did you have?", he asked angrily. "Why do you care, just leave me alone", I said angrily

"Andy", I heard someone's voice among the crowd. When I saw clearly, I saw the same woman making her way through the crowd walking towards us. "Andy come on, why are you standing here?", she said entangling her arms in Andrew's again, "Come on hurry up, let's dance like old times", she said

"Old times", the words left my mouth voluntarily. The woman seemed a little drunk to me. She laughed and wrapped her hands around him, "Old times when we were in a relationship, 2 years ago...come on Andrew, just one dance like old times", she said and pulled him along with her

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