Letters To Him-1

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[Dear Adam,                                                                                                                                             21st Feb, 1864

           This is my last letter to you, I've been writing to you all this time without knowing whether you read these letters or not. I don't know if these letters even reach you or not. It seems funny when I think about it, we used to spent so much time together when we were small children, but all these years even if I don't know where you are I still kept writing to you hoping you'll answer one day. I've been thinking to stop writing to you, but I couldn't. 

Today, I have the courage to finally tell you that I have loved you all this time but now, I can't help but stop hoping. I hope you find all the happiness you deserve.

                                                                   Love Rose]

"Roseline, would you come down dear?", mother said. "Coming mother", I said putting the letter in the envelope and sealing it. I walked down the stairs and found father and mother sitting in the settee near the fireplace. 

"Yes, mother". "Dear, today we all will be going to Mr. and Mrs. Fernandes's ball party, so I hope you have everything ready for tonight?", she said sipping tea from her cup. "Yes, mother, everything is prepared, please let me know when we are leaving", I said and went to post the letter.

"Rosy...Rosy", I heard Beth running towards me. "What is it?", I asked. "Are you going to the ball tonight?", she asked enthusiastically. "Yes, I am", I said. "Good then, I'm sure we'll find our handsome gentleman tonight, wear something beautiful tonight", she said. "Beth, do you ever think anything else besides finding yourself a suitor?", I asked. "Um...let me think....um...no I don't", she said leaving when I called her name and stopped her.

"Beth where are you going?", I asked. "To get ready". "But it's only 4:00 pm now, the party is at 7:00 pm right?", I asked. "That's exactly why I'm going to start getting ready, I'm already late", she said and vanished. I went to post the letter when I saw a gentleman standing cluelessly on the road. 

"Are you looking for someone, sir?", I asked. The man turned toward me. He looked so breathtaking when he flipped his dark brown hair to look at me. He was tall, his peach-colored skin turned pink in the heat. I kept looking at his dark blue marble eyes when I heard him calling me, "Excuse me...", I came back to my senses. 

"Um...could you tell me which way is Mr. Smith's house?", he asked. "Mr. Smith, he's our neighbor, but, I haven't seen you before, you're not a local right?", I asked. "Oh no, I and my family came back to the city from London. This place has changed a lot since we left, so I think I've forgotten the streets", he said.

"Oh, so will you come with me then?", I asked. "Actually, my parents are still waiting inside the cart, so you can come with us", he said leading me to his cart. I greeted his parents as I sat comfortably inside. 

As we came close to my house and climbed out of the cart and directed them towards Mr. Smith's house. I walked inside the house when mother started yelling at me, "Roseline, go and get dressed quickly, it's already 5:30 dear", she said. 

"Don't worry mother, I'll first take a bath then get dressed", I said and walked towards my room. I took out the blue dress from the bureau and spread it on the bed. I removed my clothes and went inside the bathroom. 

1 hour later, 

"Are you ready Roseline dear?", I heard mother's footsteps. I turned to look at her as she opened the door and walked in. "Yes mother", I said bowing down to her. She kept staring at me and walked towards me. She gently kissed my forehead and said, "You look, beautiful darling, I'm so proud of you".

She took me with her as we climbed down the stairs. Father was waiting for us in the cart. It took some time for us to reach the party. When we finally reached there, I ran my eyes around the room. It was beautiful, filled with people but not too crowded. 

"What's the occasion mother?", I asked. "I don't know dear, but I think Albert will announce the reason for this ball soon", mother said as father was taking us to meet, Mr. Fernandes. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Fernandes standing there along with their daughter Katherine. After talking to them for some time, I walked past the crowd searching for Beth when I bumped into a stranger,

"Oh, I'm sorry", I said apologizing when the man turned to look at me. "We met this afternoon right?", he said. "Oh, yes I remember", I said shyly. "Sorry, let me introduce myself", he said taking my hand in his and kissing on top of my hand. "My name is Adam Smith, nice to meet you". I smiled, I was feeling shy but also impressed. "I'm Roseline McCartney, nice to meet you too", I said.

"I must say, you look prettier than the bride-to-be", he said. "Have you met her?", I asked. "No, but, I think I'm sure you look prettier than the main lady of this evening", I giggled as I blushed. We continued to talk when I heard Mr. Fernandes calling everyone. 

"Attention, please everyone, thank you to all the friends and family who have gathered here. It's my honor to announce that, our daughter Katherine will soon marry Andrew Philip, the son of Derek Philip. I'm happy that soon, my old friend will become a part of our family now, so cheers to this bond", he said and everyone rose their glasses to make a toast. 

Suddenly, we heard slow but romantic music fill the room when we saw the love birds enter the dance floor. "I request all the people to join this lovely couple on the dance floor", he said as I saw everyone entering the dance floor one by one. 

"May I?", I heard Adam say this when I saw he put forth one of his hands and bowed. I looked at him questioningly. "May I have this dance, lady?", he said. I was charmed by his behavior. "I'm not really a dancing person", I said. "Give me a chance, you won't regret it", he said taking my hands in his as we joined everyone else on the floor.

I put one of my arms on his broad muscular shoulder and entangled the other hand with his. He gently placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. I looked down nervously, my face was close to his chest, when he whispered, "I'm not that bad looking, you can look at me while you dance". I giggled and looked into his eyes.

We danced along with the music, looking into each other's eyes. Those minutes were so beautiful, my heart was fluttering, it was a beautiful feeling. I liked the way he smiled, I liked the way he treated me that day, I liked the way his hands touch my skin.

As we were lost in the dancing and music, I heard my mother calling me. I came out of my dreams when I moved away from him. "I think, my mother called me", I said. "I understand, so then, will you meet me in the garden later?", he asked, "I just wanted to know more about the city so...", he said. I nodded in a yes and left.

"Oh, here's our daughter Roseline", mother said introducing me to a pair of strangers. "Wow Emily, your daughter has grown into a fine woman, Roseline do you remember us, dear?", she asked. "Lily, she was only 8 when you left, how can she remember you?", father said. 

"Yes, yes, but I think she should remember that our son and Roseline were inseparable back then", I looked at him cluelessly and asked, "Your son?". "Yes, um...honey, do you know where he is?", he asked his wife. "Oh look here he comes", he said as I looked on the left. I saw Adam making his way through the crowd, no, it couldn't be, it couldn't, 

"Adam do you recognize her?", his father said pointing at me. "Yes father, this is the lady who helped us this afternoon", he said. "Adam, it's been so long son", my father said. "Mr. McCartney does that mean...she is...", he turned his eyes towards me. My heart skipped a beat, I was...oh my god, he was in front of me...

"Rose...", he said my name. Adam, there he was, the boy who I spent my childhood with, the boy who left without saying goodbye, the man who charmed me with his actions...he was standing in front of me, after all these years.

"Excuse me, I'll just be back", I said leaving everyone inside and rushed outside. 

"Excuse me too, please" 


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