Chapter 8

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Next Day

Early in the morning everyone is gathered in the living room while Beast Boy and Cyborg make breakfast

Starfire:The best of words end in "ie". Like cutie,sweetie,cookie...

Y/n & Raven:Die...

Starfire:Oh dear...

The ground shakes a bit beneath everyone's feet

Robin:Are we being attacked...?

Y/n and Raven look out the window

They see a big cloud of dust in the distance near the tower

Raven:Should we go check that out...?

Y/n:Yes...are we going to?

They look at each other as Raven gives a small smile

Y/n & Raven:Nope!

Starfire:But someone could be the injured...

Raven:If a rock landed on someone I'm sure they'd die instantly...

Y/n:We'd be seeing....bits of a corpse...

Robin:Well since I know you two don't have a problem with a corpse,you two will be going...

Y/n:Wait what?

Raven:Sure...come on y/n...


Raven:It'll give us a chance to get out of here...

Y/n gets up and stretches

Y/n:I if we're lucky the skull is still intact...

Robin:Why would that be important...

Y/n:There's a...specific individual that comes around every once and a while and I give him skulls and in turn he gives me designs for his various helmet designs...he's quite the hunter...

Raven:Come on y/n...

She creates a portal as they both walk into it and exit near where the rocks crashed

Y/n:We still need to walk a bit...

Raven:Obviously...why would I risk getting hurt...

They start to walk ahead a bit and see a blonde headed girl

Y/n:I smell blood but she remains uninjured...

The blonde haired girl walks up to them

"I've heard of you! You're Raven,and you're y/n!

Y/n:I didnt know that people knew who I was...

Terra:The mask is really how I knew,its so cool! Can I touch it!



Terra:I wasn't asking you...

Y/n:We don't even know your name yet...

"The name is Terra!"

Y/n:Where are you from?

Terra:I go wherever the wind takes me...

Raven:Well the wind is blowing away from here so why don't you just follow it away...

Y/n:Do you have a place to stay?

Terra:I stayed in a cave..but it uhh...collapsed one day when I left?

Y/n:So you have no where to stay?

Terra:As of now no...

Y/n:Why don't you stay with us for a couple days...

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