Chapter 20

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A knock is heard on Raven's door

Raven:I'm busy...

A voice is heard on the other side 

Blackfire:Well fortunately for me I'm not here for you, I'm here for y/n...


Y/n:And here was me thinking I may actually get some sleep...

Blackfire:That's great! Absolutely marvelous! Come on out!

Y/n looks at Raven

Raven:You better be back before...

Y/n:Before what? It's already late....

Raven:Before I fall asleep you dork...

Y/n:No promises!

He gets up and gets to the door

Blackfire has Stafire's clothes on

Y/n:What's the occasion?

Blackfire:Well unfortunately my clothes have gotten very dirty and now they need to be cleaned...

Y/ where is the part when I'm supposed to care...

Blackfire:A couple reasons actually...if you ever notice one of your shirts,hoodies,or sweatpants going missing just know it was me...


Blackfire:I'm glad you think so...

Y/n:That's not what I meant-

Blackfire:Anyway you still owe me that dance from awhile back...

Y/n sighs a bit

Y/n:Damn it I thought I'd never see you again after that point...

Blackfire:Yet here I am I gonna get my dance or am I gonna have to start calling you a liar...

Y/n:Fine just let me get dressed...

Blackfire:Not necessary, you look good just like that...I like the black looks good with everything but even more so on you...

Y/n:Alright fine...let's just go...

Blackfire:Splendid! We can go to the same one that you got me taken away...

Y/n:Hey you stole something...

Blackfire:And you kill people...quite a few might I add

Y/n:Can't say I don't enjoy my line of work...but I'm no different from a hunter...

Blackfire:A hunter hunts animals...

Y/n:Human are animals,we both hunt animals,we both get paid and we both take pride in the kill, I prefer the term "Human Hunter" 

Blackfire:And here I thought that there was a heart in that chest of yours...

Y/n:Can we just go? I'd like to get this over with...

Blackfire:You make it seem as if this a chore and quickly needs to be done...

She grabs his hand and speaks softly

Blackfire:If you really are going to be around forever,why don't we try and make our time together something to remember for just as long?

She can't see his face but can tell by his voice that he's bitter but agrees

Y/n:Yes you're right...I'd still like to go...

Blackfire:Lead the way...

Y/n:It shouldn't take too long to just walk

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