Cousinly Kisses (Incest)

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Hey hello,
I'm Ashley Miller
I'm seventeen years old
I've been dating for about two years and a half now I've never been in a relationship for more than two months.

Thanks to my cousin for being so kind its like he can feel it he always show up at my house ready to cheer me tf..... It's like he's reading my mind or something.

Sometimes I wonder what would I do without him or where will I be without him. His name is Kobe Miller

Long story short, he's my savour. Maybe my everything I guess we'll find out soon.

Three years ago.......

I just got my first boyfriend, after today I'm officially taken. Omg I still can't believe I got my first boyfriend at fourteen years old maybe he will be my soul mate, maybe just maybe.

We texted everyday and call every night, for the past few weeks were together. Until we finally decided to meet up at Kingston for a real date.

I've been wanting to see him for over three weeks now, and today is the day we are going to finally meet.

I couldn't sleep last night because I'm a little nervous and I'm excited at the same time. I've got about 3 hours of sleep I'm tired but great full, we have decided to meet up at 4 at the bus park.

Now about my boyfriend..
He is taller than me, he is fourteen years old, he's skin colour is vanilla cherry lips ofc, we went to different schools, I've meet him on WhatsApp, I've seen around my pictures saying I want new contacts. I end up getting a boyfriend as well. He named Nazire Bell.


Luckily for me it was a Saturday because I've overslept, when I get off the bed to go to the bathroom, before I open the door I took a step back and look at the clock it was already 9 in the morning.

I went to check if mom or dad had leave anything cooked or any money to my surprise I got breakfast and enough money that could buy a new pear of shoes and go on a date I love my mom and dad.

My mom and dad worked 24/7 so they weren't around much, and my older brother got classes on Saturday he's a nerd.

I sit and eat my breakfast then went to bathroom to fresh up. After about 45 minutes I was finish and I went to check my phone. I had a lot of message from both my lover and friends most of them were asking what's the motive for today and if I'm OK. I let out a sigh and answer the message according to how I got them from oldest to newest.


About thirty minutes of answering messages I got bored because it was a lot of message and my best friend nor my boyfriend ain't online so I decided to listen music and set my alarm for two PM, since I took hours to get ready.

Listening to music for about half an hour my eyes felt heavy so I turn up the thermostat and when to sleep.

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
My phone went off , shit I have a date! Looking at my phone I only have a hour and a half because it was a thirty minutes drive. First I went to the kitchen and took a slice of homemade cake along with milk.

I sat around the table eating and texting first I ask my boyfriend if he was still up for today he replied with a thumbs up and I smiled at it and simply text back "see you at 4".

After 6 minutes I was finish eating so I went to my room and lay out my clothes on my bed while singing the song that was playing in my brother room. I then went to fresh up in recorded time and put on some lip gloss, lotion, matching panty set black because I'm planning on wearing white.

I look on my suit and smile. I wore a white rip jeans and a white off the shoulder crop top that I bought two weeks ago online. My hair was Jerry so I didn't have to worry about bad hair day I just add gel to it. After looking in the mirror I looked at the time it was 3:22 PM. So I went to my brother room told him I'll be back soon and where I was going so I wouldn't be in trouble later on. I took a apple from the refrigerator, then walk to the bus stop.

Luckily for me as I arrived at the bus stop a bus was going my way.


After thirty minutes of boring driving I felt like I wanted to go back home and sleep. But I then remembered why I'm here.

After I got out the bus I look to my right and there stand Nazire. He was wearing a black rip jeans and a Jersey white shirt along with a white Jordan shoes. He looked handsome, I called his phone and by the time he picked up I was walking straight into his path. I gave him a small smile and he did the same, then embraced me into a hug." I've been waiting for you just like I said I would." he wipers. I was in awwww.

First we sit down at the bus stop and talk about our day alone with what we didn't want to talk about over the phone.

When we were through we when to the nearest Chinese restaurant and other our food while waiting we decided to take a few pictures for our wallpapers.

We then consume our food and beverages. After smiling at each other one more time we went to the bus stop.

I took the first bus that was going my way before I went on the bus he gave me a kiss on the lips it was the first kiss I got from a boy I like and it was the best. So I kiss him back it turned into a five minutes kiss. Everyone watch us for a while then stopped. I told him I must go before it gets any later.

•I am a big fan of Kobe Bryant and although he's not alive I still am so that's why I name one of my major characters Kobe.

•I love the brand Ashley so I was guessing imma name my next character Ashley.

Please remember that the characters aren't real.

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