Love and affection (A.S. Cuthbert)

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All Warnings:

Diana and I ran to Anne's house as fast as we could. Through the dark cold woods with only the light of a small lantern. Minnie May had a horrible cough and she could hardly breathe. We knew Anne had experience with children considering her recent "families". We arrived at green gables, "HELP US!" Diana yelled. We ran up the stairs and to Anne's room. "Anne!" Diana and I both yelled. "Diana Y/N?" She replied, "Minnie May is sick we need to wake Ms. Cuthbert!" Diana said turning at the door. "She's not her she went to go see the premiere, did your parents go as well?" Anne asked. "Yes!" I said my voice cracking. " what's wrong with Minnie May?" Anne asked getting up off her bed, "We don't know she choking and she's coughing!" Diana started, " And it's horrible!" I finished "Croup," Anne mumbled loud enough for us to hear . "We need the doctor!" Diana whimpered, "MATTHEW MATTHEW COME QUICK!" Anne yelled down the hall. "Put these on before you catch your death!" Anne said throwing blankets at us. Anne started to put her shoes on "Aunt Josephine is staying with us, she doesn't know what to do!" Diana cried. "She's never seen a cough like this before," I continued Diana's thought, " I have," Anne said in a serious tone. Matthew entered the room "Matthew ride to Karmadeen fetch the doctor Minnie May is greatly ill , I go home with Diana and Y/N," Anne said looking up at Matthew. "Okay we'll see you there," Matthew said walking away. "Oh Anne she scarcely sick she can barely breathe!" I cried out as Diana started balling harder.
We ran back to our home, through the cold weather the three of us. We reached the house Anne started boiling water once it boiled she brought it over to Minnie May. "Lean her over make sure she is right above the steam you have to loosen the flem that's choking her," she walked to the table " we've used almost all the ipeacac only one more dose." Anne sighed, " I want to get by with the steam and night air until we are forced to use it" Anne said looking at the bottle. "She's burning up!" I said touching her forehead. "Let's lift her up to the window," Anne directed me and Diana.
Minnie stops breathing trying to inhale and she can't. Anne clears off the table and we place her on it. Flipping her to her stomach Diana and I are trying to keep her up but she keeps slipping soon aunt Josephine helps. While Anne gently hits her back and keeps encouraging her to cough but nothing is working. Finally Anne gets down and covers her mouth with a rag and Minnie May coughs and she starts breathing again. Diana and I pull my little sister into a hug. " you will get better soon and you were very brave,"Anne says in a calming voice and hands her a glass of water. We took Minnie May up to bed. "Hey Anne can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked Anne nodded and we went right out side of Minnie Mays room. I didn't say a word I just kissed her I quickly pulled away expecting her to be mad but she simply pulled me back in it lasted for about 3 seconds before I pulled away again. "Anne I have liked you for a really long time and seeing you help Minnie May today and the fact that you were so brave made me realize I love you!" I blabbered she looked at me shocked and kissed me again.
Sorry this took me so long to publish but it's finally out and I hope you enjoy it!
Peace Charlee❤️

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