Your funny Y/N (R. Gillis)

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Thank you to LumberRobot for this amazing request!
Y/n POV:
Ruby Gillis she is so beautiful, she is in love with my best friend Gilbert though so I just don't know what to do. I want her to be happy no I need her to be happy and if that means being with Gilbert then she will be. "Hey Ruby!" I said walking up to her, "Hello Y/n," she giggled, "can you come here I need to talk to you," all the girls Oohed "Of course Y/n,"We walked over to the side of the school house, "I want to help you get Gilbert to like you!" Her eyes lit up, "you would do that for me?" I smiled "Uh yes I would Ruby," She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. "Thank you y/n" she let go of me and kissed my check and walked away. My cheeks heated up.
I had to advise a plan to start with. Okay so plan plan plan. I sat at my desk all night coming up with a way to at least get Gilbert to walk her home.
"Ruby hey!" I yelled and she turned around, "did you figure it out?" She asked, "yeah so I am gonna talk to him and then he is gonna walk you home today. "thank you so much!" She smiled her smile is so beautiful! She hugged me again. When I got into the school house there was no Gilbert. What am I gonna do Ruby is gonna be heart broken. I walk up to the only other slightly decent boy in our small classroom. Cole Mackenzie, "Cole, have you seen Gilbert this morning?" He looked at me with a confused look, "you haven't heard?" I shook my head he explained where Gilbert was and why. My head was spinning how I am gonna tell Ruby! I turned to see a beautiful blonde girl behind me. "So Gilbert is going to walk me home right!" She giggled her giggle is adorable, "I am so sorry Ruby but we have no clue where Gilbert is," Ruby's face dropped a tear slipped from her eye before she turned from me and I could hear her sob out as she ran to Diana and Anne. They looked at me with dirty look. I walked out of the schoolhouse. I got on to my horse and rode away my mother and a Father were off in Scarlettown with my Grandparents so I had the house to myself.
    Once I had arrived I placed the horse inside the barn and walked into my house.
I had been working on my chores for about 2 hours now and I heard a knock on the door. I placed the broom that I had been sweeping the floor with against the wall and made my way to the door. I opened the door to reveal Ruby Gillis. "Ruby?" I questioned. "Y/n I need to speak to you do you mind if I come in?" I nodded and stepped out of the way. I took her hat and coat and placed them on the rack. "So Ruby what did you want to talk about?" Ruby turned to me, stood on her tippy toes and kissed me on the cheek. "That, today I realized that Gilbert is no longer the man for me you are," She smiled. "Really!" She nodded, I lifted her up and span her around as she giggled.
That day was the start of a wonderful relationship.
So, I have been grounded so I wasn't able to post so I will be trying to get back on top of my requests I promise❤️
Thank you again to LumberRobot for requesting this Imagine.

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