chapter six

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"y/n!! it's 6:30!! get up!!" fuck. school.
i quickly got up and washed my face. i took out my ponytail and brushed my hair through. i took a shower last night, so i decided to not shower again until tonight. i put my hair half up half down and curled it. i thought it looked quite cute.
i put on a cropped red tank top and some light jeans. it was an outfit will loved. he always said i seemed confident in it.

(your hair)

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(your hair)

(your outfit)  i looked in the mirror

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(your outfit)
i looked in the mirror. i liked this. i quickly brushed my teeth and rushed downstairs. i slipped on my white vans and grabbed my white jansport book bag from the bottom of the stairs. i sat down at the table. my mom handed me some toast and eggs. i made myself some black tea and ate about half of my breakfast.
i went back upstairs and looked in the mirror again. somehow, after eating, i still thought i looked good!! i put on some light concealer and blush. something was missing. mascara! of course.
i lightly applied the makeup to my eyes. i hear a ring at the door, so eddie must have arrived. my clock on the wall read 7:25.
i applied some carmex to my lips and made my way downstairs. my mother and him were conversing lightly. he looked good. he's always tidy, but he was a bit neater than i've seen. i was also a bit more put together. obviously, this was because of school.
he looked at me while my mom still talked to him. he didn't seem to be paying much attention to her. she soon noticed this and turned to look at me as well. "honey! you look amazing! i'm so excited for your first day at a new school."
i gave her a small smile. it's going to be different without the party. mike and i had every class together. most of our classes we were sat next to each other as well. oh well, no more mike at school. now i have the losers.
i walked toward eds and my mom. "ready eddie? hey that rhymed!" i start laughing.
he blushed and looked at me. "you look great y/n/n!! i hope that's not weird, it's just you look stunning! not like in that way, just-" i cut him off. he's adorable.
"thank you eddie." my mom was giving us the biggest grin.
"do you mind if i take a picture of you two? you know? for memories?" oh god.
"not now mom! you have so many pictures of me!" she laughed.
"no, i have pictures of you and the boys in hawkins. i need new ones with you and your boyfriend here." she winked.
i just rolled my eyes. eddies face was bright red. he put his arm around me for a picture by the door. my mom snapped twice. we waited quickly for them to develop.
i had to admit, we both looked pretty good. my mom had tears in her eyes. "i'm so glad you found friends here."
eddie and i both smiled back. she handed me the extra copy of the photo. "you can start a photo collection in your binder again!! just like at your old school." i accepted the photo and hugged her goodbye.
"have a nice day mrs. y/l/n!!" eddie exclaimed. she waved bye to us.
we both hopped on his bike after i put my photo in my pocket. i held onto his back once again. we were both getting comfortable with this.
"your mom doesn't think we're together right? not that i would mind people thinking that i mean your amazing it's just-" i cant listen to him be this nervous.
"no she's just joking. don't worry. i know what you mean." after that, we continued to talk in a comfortable silence for awhile.
"hey eds? i don't want to sound clingy, but will i be sitting with you at lunch? i mean it's okay if not. i just don't know if you guys want me to. i know it's hard to accept new people into the group."
eddie was a little shocked i asked that. "are you kidding? of course! we would never leave you by yourself. you're apart of the losers club now."
i thanked him as we pulled up to the school. it was quite big. there was a boy with a few of his friends smoking toward the front. he was staring me and eddie down.
eddie and i stood up. i linked my arm with his. he smiled at me. "first day of a new school! are you ready to show me around my love?" i said this in a bit of a brutish accent.
"of course m'lady." we both laughed and began to walk toward the rest of the losers. they were stood near the garbage cans by the bushes. the smoking boys stood in front of us, though.
"hey kaspbrak! you forgot to introduce us to you're new little slut. don't tell me she's friends with all of you losers? she's kind of hot! i could pull her in an instant." he grabbed his dick. it was disgusting.
"henry, she's not a slut. she's not "mine" either. she's friends with all of us, and her name is y/n. i would appreciate not messing with us on her first day? it's special."
i spoke up as well. i was kind of surprised he stood up for me. by now, the losers noticed us and made their way over to us. they looked surprised too.
"henry, is it? you could not "pull me." i am no slut, and i would prefer to hang around them over you. don't be rude to eddie either. i really don't want to deal with this."
henry scoffed at us. he was taken a back. "okay losers. have fun with your little whore." we turned to the losers, still arm in arm.
richie was laughing. "holy shit! eddie grew some balls, and apparently y/n has some too!!" i rolled my eyes.
"i'm not gonna let him push me or you around. i cant believe he had the nerve to call me a slut. what a low life! he literally grabbed his dick saying he could "pull me." i'm disgusted."
eddie nodded his head in agreement. i dropped his arm as it was a bit uncomfortable. he looked a bit sad when i did that. stan spoke. "y/n, you are in no way a slut. he treats us like this all the time, but none of us want you to be treated like that."
i thanked him. bill was awfully quiet. i noticed him staring at me. i waved in front of his eyes and laughed. he looked up.
"oh sorry y/n. i-i-i was just about to say that you look amazing!" i blushed. eddie got red and looked almost...jealous? the bell rang. he linked our arms again. "come on my love, time to show you to your schedule!"
richie was laughing behind us. "loveeee!!!" he mocked eddies nickname. eddie turned around and whispered, "shut the fuck up rich!" i wasn't supposed to hear, but i did.
eddie led me to the office where i was handed my schedule. i compared it to the losers. i had every class with stan, every class (except art) with eddie, gym/study hall with richie, and science with bill.
i smiled at the boys. "i have classes with you all!!!" they all returned the smile.

y/n l/n schedule
1 : science
2 : algebra
3 : language arts
4 : art / home economics (switches every other day)
5 : history
6 : gym / study hall (switches every other day)

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