𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 7𝚝𝚑 1988


The boys were silent, Will laying in his bed and Mike on a mattress on the floor.
No one said a word or even tried to bring up a conversation, scared that it will end in a cringy smalltalk and it would make things between them even weirder.

Now let me tell what happened that afternoon.

Flashback to June 6th 1988, 15:06PM

The two friends were jumping and dancing through the room, yelling the lyrics to their favorite songs.
It didn't matter when someones voice cracked or when someone sang the wrong lyrics, they would just laugh at their mistakes and forget it afterwards.

They've done that since ever.
Will would do a mixtape and show it to Mike and they would have fun while dancing and laughing.

Mike and Will had their hands invited and tried to dance to the song in a rhythm, sometimes stumbling over their feet, which made them giggle while trying to keep singing.

Mike always enjoyed those moments.
It was just him and Will. No one that would judge them. just the two boys trying to hide their feelings for each other, scared that if the other one would find out, that they would be angry and end tgeir perfect friendship, even if they know that would never happen after all the time they've spent together.
So it stayed a secret.

The room was filled with music and laughters, and of course their voices, not even trying to be in tune.
It sometimes really sounded awful when the perfect and in tune voice from the singer met the cranking voice from the laughing lovers, which made them laugh even more.

The two lovebirds felt the whole time a tingling feeling in their stomach, which people call butterflies.
They always had that when the other one was around.
It was a feeling both boys liked.
It was something special for them.

Soon, the song stopped and a pretty slow song came on, which Mike didn't really know.
He still vibed along with Will and listened to the precious voice from the small brunette boy in front of him singing the lyrics perfectly.
Will could actually sing really good, but he didn't really tried it when Mike was around, cause then all that mattered was fun.

Mike had a smile on his lips as he looked down into the hazel brown eyes from his smaller friend, admiring his view.
If they would date, he would have leaned down and pressed his lips against Wills, wrapping his arms around his, swinging with him from one side to the other to the music.
But they weren't.
They were still only two best friends having the time of their lifes.

Will needed to admit that his already fast beating heart went faster when the slow song came on.
He put it on purpose in his mixtape.
He knew Mike and him would listen to it and he always imagined them dancing like an old couple to this song, smiling at each other and giggling when someone trips or does a wrong move.
He had a bit hope that exactly this would happen, but he knew that it won't.
He still was glad Mike didn't acted weird that a slow song came on.

The dark haired boy really needed to fight against the will to kiss his friend right then and there.
It was just so perfect, with the song and all this whole dancing thingy.
His mind shut down and he cupped Wills cheeks and leaned down, pressing his lips against Wills, closing his eyes.
A firework exploded in his stomach.
This was something he had imagined multiple times.

The kiss was short and Will didn't knew what to do.
He never expected that Mike would actually ever do that.

The kiss was so short that the smaller one didn't had enough time to kiss back or do anything that would show that he really liked it.
He had his eyes wide open and a confused look on his face, which made Mike regret his actions immediately.

„I-I'm sorry I didn't meant to do that I swear. I don't know what went through my head and-."

Will just rushed out of there. His heat was racing and his hands were shaky.
It's not that he didn't wanted the kiss, he really liked it, but... he didn't knew how to react to it.
He always did this when he didn't knew what to do... he would leave the situation and hide somewhere, trying to get his head clear.

Flashback over

Since then, the boys didn't said a single word to each other.
Both were to scared that they did something wrong, and Will still wasn't sure how to react.

Mike had his back turned to Will, feeling guilt and fear in his chest.
He was scared he ruined his and Wills friendship.
He shouldn't have done that.
He should have asked to kiss him.

Will changed his position, so he could see Mikes back in the dark room.
He knew Mike feels bad now. But Will knew Mike didn't did something wrong.
It wasn't right from Will to rush out of the room and punish him with ignorance.
He wanted to say that he liked the kiss and that it was okay, cause he liked Mike, but he still was scared.
Will's an overthinker and always imagined the worst.
So telling Mike seemed in his eyes a bad idea.
At least right now.

Things were weird.
Silence was something that normally never existed when the boys were together, and when they normally had a sleepover, they would stay up till late at night and talk about everything.
But it was different now.

Something they tried to avoid happened.
Something both boys were afraid of.

Will sighted and snuggled more into his blanket.
He hoped tomorrow things will be different.
He still felt bad for doing what he did, so he tried to warm up the situation a bit.

„Night Mike."

Will said quiet, but Mike still heared, which made him smile slightly.

„Night Will."

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