Love and Regrets

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August 31 1990
I watched as the sorting hat was placed on her head.

"Gryffindor" It shouted. She jumped up and ran to the table. I was called next. The hat barely touched my head before it yelled
"Slytherin." I had been separated from her.

September 25 1991
I was talking to the Gryffindor quidditch team about the Nimbus 2001s my father had bought the Slytherin team.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in off of pure talent." She had said. And before i could stop myself, I responded with

"No one asked your opinion you filthy little Mudblood." I felt my eyes widen for a second at realization of what i had just said to her. I regretted saying it ever since the   word escaped my lips. I knew that i had lost everything as soon as i said that. Then I saw that weasel lift his wand like

"you'll pay for that" How pathetic. He obviously didn't know i was mentally beating myself up already.

December 2 1992
"I hope you don't mean yourself" she had said with so much anger in her voice. She hated me and nothing could change that. I felt my heart break into a million pieces as i responded with

"How dare you talk to me you filthy little mudblood." I didn't mean it of course. What was wrong with me. Calling her that word. That was how i lost her the first time): .

March 15 1997
I watched as Weasel snogged that witch whats-her-face. I saw her run away crying at the sight of those two bastards. They were breaking her heart. I knew i couldn't comfort her. She hated me. It broke my heart to see her in so much pain as the person she loved (not me) broke her. I would never do anything like that to hurt her. She is to special.

April 10 1998
I watched in tears as my horrible aunt was torturing her, knowing I couldn't do anything to save her. If i did then i would have been exposed and my father would have murdered the both of us on the spot. I tried to call for Weasel and Pothead to come save her. I sent Dobby to Aberforth Dumbledore so they could help them save her. I was too much of a coward to do anything so I sat and watched my aunt carve the word 'mudblood' into her arm. The chandelier fell and I was relieved when she was saved.

May 2 1998
"Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort yelled. He told anyone not wishing to die to turn to him. I was not doing to but when my father called me, I had too. I watched from the other side as she glared at me and the death eaters for causing the war.  She HATED me. It would never change and I knew that but I had always secretly hoped. Until then.

Present day
"I'm sorry  for everything I have done."I wrote.
"I made mistakes that cannot be undone." i continued

"I wish i could go back and fix them. I caused you so much pain." I started to cry.

"I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I love you Hermione. I always have and I always will." i was barely able to say. I continued to cry as i continued writing

"It is because of me you are gone. I regret everything.""Goodbye, my love" I whispered. I held her hand and silently cried till i had no tears left to cry. Ever since that day, there was never a day where hermione' had not crossed my mind.

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