First Love

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Draco was still heartbroken, and he never loved anyone else then her. He still had pictures and videos of her, to actually have memories of his first love. He was walking to ne of his classes, and saw an image of her. He stopped, and yelled

"Hermione! Come back!" Everyone was creeped out, and shook their heads. When he finished, he had to go back to her grave. Her grave was the only thing special to him.

(2 hours later) He was in his nightclothes, when he heard a loud boom. He checked outside, and her grave plate was gone. He rushed to her grave, and her coffin was empty. He was frightened. Where was she? He looked around the whole field, and finally found her against a tree. She was chained up, and he worked as fast as he could to free her. As soon as he freed her, he lifted her, and her hand reached up to his face. He was shocked, and said

"Hermione? Are you alive?" She couldn't really talk that much, so he rushed her to the nearest hospital, and asked for help. She had some fluids in her, to get her alive. He was stressed as heck, and he hoped she was well enough to talk. Suddenly, She was coughing a lot. He knew that someone was hurting her, but he didn't know who it was. He went into the room and saw that she was coughing up dirt. He rushed to her, and helped her sit up to get all of the stuff out of her.


Sorry this one is a bit dark. My friend wrote this one. 🙃

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